Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-styled photo holding a mock decapitated head of the President of the United States met with repulsion and outrage. When she was
chastised from all sides, she apologized, but 3 days later took the
offensive at a press conference claiming she’s the victim of
bullying from the Trump family.
Rather than leave the
wound alone, Griffin  is picking at it before it even has a chance to scab over so
it’s only getting worse. In the event she might be searching for suggestions on
healing, I’m offering some Christian advice.

Humility is a virtue while pride goes before the fall. You crashed and
burned. Stay low now. Once you stop stepping on others to get to the top, God
can lift you up.  (More on him later.)
Make a Good Confession. Your confession
looked good on video but a good confession requires sincerity. At the press
conference, your attorney claimed the
images with the severed head had been
misrepresented. If it was misrepresented, then why did you yourself say it was completely
inappropriate in your apology?
Take responsibility. You said you were bullied and
“broke” by the Trumps following the incident, and you believe your
career is over. Newsflash: wherever your career is headed, it was your doing.
Trump and First Lady Melanie issued reactions to the horrible photo. What did
you expect? That is not “going after” you.
Charity. Be kind to others, especially
children. When Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” it wasn’t
for “a beat down.”
On December 9, you
said that you’d be
to deliver a beat down to 11-year-old Barron
Don’t Lie. You said the mean comment referring to Barron had been a part of
your act. Not true.
 You are on record as
targeting him. This is from December 9 when you talked to “Vulture”
(how apropos):
 “It’s his turn. So I’m happy to deliver beat
down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going
to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to
get in ahead of the game.”
Know the Company You Keep.  Kathy, you blame the Trumps for cancellations;
at least 5 now. The people cancelling your appearances are liberals. Conservatives
don’t book you.
Offer it up. Pity parties and revenge are
unattractive. Accept the pain you caused a
nd transform yourself by offering it up in union with the suffering of Jesus on the cross. (More on him very soon.)
Your explanation is
foolish: “I don’t think I will have a career after this. I’m going to be
honest, he broke me. He broke me. What’s happening to me has never happened
ever in the history of this great country, which is that a sitting President of
the United States and his grown children and the first lady are personally, I
feel, personally trying to ruin my life forever, forever. You guys know him.
He’s never going to stop.”
Seek Ye
First the Kingdom of God
. Now to the good stuff—God.  When you leave God out of your life, you lose
perspective. You lost it. Get it back by getting God into your life.
Make Friends
with Jesus.
In 2007 when you received an Emmy
for your reality TV show, you horrified many by saying: “I want you to
know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. So, all I can say
is, ‘suck it, Jesus.’ This award is my god now.”
How are you and your god doing? 
Try the real one.  He loves you
Love. Love is more attractive than hate. The greatest commandment is
that we love one another as Jesus has loved us. 
He suffered and died for us in expiation for our sins so that we may
have eternal life.
 “A new command I give
you: Love one another.  As I have loved
you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are
my disciples, if you love one another,” (John 9:34-35).
Reject Satan.
The devil also rejects Jesus as you have done
publically. The devil is not your friend. 
He delights in your hatred while seeking your destruction all the same. God, instead, wills that you live and
reach paradise. Turn to him.
Pray. It brings comfort, solace, and guidance by connecting with
God.  You’ve got nothing to lose.
And everyone reading this, please join me in a prayer for
Kathy.   May God’s will be done in her life.

For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series.
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