When I was a kid, we had
no problem making choices. We went with our gut, and if someone disagreed, we
“shot it out” with Rock, Paper, Scissors or tossed a coin, then threw ourselves
into whatever it was.
Somewhere along the line,
things got complicated. We read “Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood” and
learned that a choice can define a life. Wanting to do God’s will, we began to
agonizing over those choices.
What is the will of God
for my life, and how can I find it?

 Sometimes I wonder if
we’re meant to get as worked up about “life choices” as we do. “
Whatever you
, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not unto men,” St. Paul told
the Colossians in 3:23, clearly more interested in the
how than the what.
The fact is, we already
know what the will of God is:

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thess 4:3;
“sanctification” refers to
growth in holiness).
Your right

“He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
(Micah 6:8)
Your thankful heart:
“Rejoice always, pray
constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess 5:16-18)
Your love
of Him and others:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind… [and] You shall love your neighbor as
yourself” (Matt 22:37-39). This “expresses his entire will,” according to Catechism
no. 2822.
Fulfilling what we do know
to be God’s will for us ought to be our top priority. Beyond that, he has given
you free will and he has told you his purpose for you:
“You did not choose me,
but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that
your fruit should abide
” (John 15:16)
Each of us has God-given
talents and abilities, a unique background and circumstances. We are to be
responsible stewards of those gifts, so we can “go and bear fruit” in his love.
And to help us do that, we have a conscience and the ability to reason.
And we have free will.
Part of being human is
making choices, even when it’s hard. In doing so, we learn to follow God and
hear his voice. We grow in faith. And although God shows us the goal and
provides signposts along the way, long
stretches of our path may lie in darkness.
That’s where the trust
comes in.
5 Practical Steps in the
Right Direction
Maybe you’ve heard it
said, “God can’t steer a ship that’s not moving.” There’s truth to that. So,
how do you start moving? Here are five ways to get started:
1. Persevere
Finish what you’ve already
been given to do. If you can’t see where to go next, you may not be done where
you are.
2. Pray
Seek God and commit your
way to him (see Psalm 37:5). Cultivate the attitude of Jesus — “Not my will,
but thine be done.”
3. Discern
Consider the pros and cons
before you, the situation, the likely outcomes. Where can you best use your
gifts? If you feel God’s leading: are you paying attention? Seek counsel from
trusted advisors.
4. Evaluate
Rule out those things that
are against Scripture or Church teaching, that cause harm or require sin, that
act against your chosen vocation.
5. Navigate
Now make your best choice,
staying attentive to his voice and moving where you have inner peace.
Perhaps St. Augustine said
it best:

“Love God and [then] do
what you will…. In all things, let the root of love be within, for of this root
can nothing spring but what is good.”

Sarah Christmyer is
co-developer with Jeff Cavins of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible
study program, Executive Editor of The Great Adventure and author or co-author of a number of the studies. Sarah has thirty years of
experience leading and teaching Bible studies. She helped launch Catholic
Scripture Study and is co-author of “Genesis
Part I: God and His Creation
” and “Genesis
Part II: God and His Family,
” published by Emmaus Road. Sarah has a BA
in English literature from Gordon College in Wenham, MA, and is working toward
a Masters of Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. Raised
in a strong evangelical family, she was received into the Catholic Church in
1992. Sarah also writes at comeintotheword.com/.

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