Where can you attend a memorial service
for bees or join a protest against a man cutting down a tree on his
property?  In Oregon. 

     The state is beautiful with a gentle climate, dramatic views and lush plant
life–particularly trees.  Such beauty
attracts many nature lovers and a sizeable number of them, seem to like trees
better than people. 

trees cover 46% of the state and 26% of its largest city, Portland, anyone wanting
to incur the wrath of neighbors, need only cut down a tree in his yard. There
are organizations there based solely on the love of trees such as “Friends of
the Trees” and “Portland Parks Urban Forestry.”  A city permit is required to remove or even
cut trees over twelve inches in diameter. 
But even with a permit, the people who have made friends with the trees
don’t tolerate the willful killing of their friends.  
case in point is a story I read in The Oregonian newspaper several years ago
while visiting relatives.  It was reported
that a man had cut down an old-growth tree in his yard. In spite of obtaining a
permit, 21 of his neighbors filed complaints, attempting to block him.  The article commiserated the loss of the tree.
“What difference does it make if it’s his property?” one mourner stated. “Does
that mean I can do anything I want on my property like start a junk yard?” 

living in Portland for three years, I came to understand the love Oregonians
have for all life forms.  One afternoon
in 1983, I was out to lunch with my co-workers at the Institute for Policy
Studies.  The director found an earwig in
her purse. 
     “What’s an earwig?” I asked.  All four at the table with me expressed
surprise that I was unfamiliar with the insect. 
The director gave her purse to another graduate assistant who had offered
to take it outside. I went with him to see what an earwig looked like. He
turned the purse inside out and dumped the earwig onto the sidewalk.  It was hideously ugly, so I instinctively stepped
on it.
co-worker looked at me in horror.  “Why
did you do that?”
was ugly,” I said.
did you think I came outside?” he demanded. “I brought it out here to let it
we returned inside, the director asked if I had the chance to see the
earwig.  My co-worker immediately
announced, “She killed it!”  Everyone at
the table looked at me, horrified. 
did you kill it?” the director wanted to know.
it was ugly,” I said.  I don’t remember
if I laughed out loud over this incident but I think my co-workers never
thought of me the same again after learning I was a cold-blooded killer of
insects.  I had thought I was one of the
most tenderhearted animal lovers on the planet. 
I even feel a little bad for the worms I put on my fishing hooks.  But I’m not crazy.
my digression down memory lane and fast-forward to this Sunday’s memorial for
fallen bees. The
Mother Nature Network
reported that there were as many as 50,000
victims—mostly bees– due to  “
last week’s grisly api-cide” in a Target parking lot in the Portland suburb of Wilsonville. The trees
had been sprayed with insecticide and the landscaper did not follow label
instructions. He should not have
sprayed while the trees were in bloom. Ironically, the massive killing of bees
occurred during National Pollinator week.  
pay tribute to the lost lives, there will be a memorial service in the parking
lot, marking what’s believed to be the largest documented bee death in the
Western United States. The Wilsonville Bees Memorial itself is being organized
by Portland resident Rozzell Medina.
writes on the event
Facebook page:
Sunday, June 30, 2013 at 2:00 PM, please join us at the site where an estimated
50,000 bees were killed by humans who sprayed the toxic pesticide, Safari. We
will memorialize these fallen life forms and talk about the plight of the bees
and their importance to life on Earth. …In addition to the injustice and
brutality of this situation for the bees that are being murdered, there are
far-reaching effects for humans, who rely on bees to pollinate our crops. “
am all for bees. By all means, advocate for them, but calling their deaths
murder is insane. Murder is the premeditated killing of one human being by
another.  The bees were not murdered.
Neither was that earwig, by the way.  
love trees too. Keep them growing and plant more! The sad irony, however, is
that Oregon was the first state to legalize physician assisted suicide in 1994.
Let old people who are tired of living get help dying—oh but don’t cut down an
old tree.
attention is given to wildlife than to the unborn babies aborted throughout the
state of Oregon every day at their twelve abortion clinics, taking the lives
of over 10,000 babies on average every year. 
Those babies are “life-forms” that unlike bees, have immortal souls.
Bees are here for us, to make the world a better place. We are here for the
babies, to care for them until which time they grow up and have the opportunity
to also make the world a better place.
I last checked, 176 people were planning on attending the bee memorial. How
often do that many gather outside of an abortion clinic? Human life is of
infinite value yet in some places, there seems to be more passion for bees and
trees. Of course this is not a problem just in Oregon.  It is everywhere.  Let the solution be everywhere also—speaking
out and praying for the truth so that God will prevail sooner rather than


For uplifting reading:   Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families  a collection of stories on love and life, and  Dear God, I Don’t Get It, children’s fiction that presents faith through a fun and exciting story.

Follow Patti at Twitter or like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted FamiliesA GPS Guide to Heaven and Earth

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