St. Faustina’s Prayer to Take Away Worries About the Past and Future

St. Faustina’s Prayer to Take Away Worries About the Past and Future

Who among us has not worried about the future or been burdened with regrets? It was a surprise when I recently began to re-read the Divine Mercy in my Soul Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalski to discover that the second entry in her notebook is a prayer to calm those fears for what may come tomorrow and…

The Miracle of Theresa Rose

The Miracle of Theresa Rose

“She’s alive!” the doctor announced, his voice filled  with the same relief that Kathryn Rossi felt. But no first  cry echoed through the delivery room. “I need a breathing  tube!” the doctor shouted. As her baby disappeared behind a wall of doctors and  nurses, Kathryn and her husband, Robert, clasped hands.  Please, the couple prayed, our…

Nationally Syndicated Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez Shares Her Holy Hacks

Nationally Syndicated Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez Shares Her Holy Hacks

     Kathryn Jean Lopez, senior fellow at the National Review Institute, a nationally syndicated columnist, and the author of A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living. She contributed ways she lives her faith daily for Holy Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith and Get to Heaven.

Fr. Pacwa, Fr. Calloway,  Fr. Riccardo Share Easy Ways to Grow in Holiness

Fr. Pacwa, Fr. Calloway, Fr. Riccardo Share Easy Ways to Grow in Holiness

              Increase your capacity for holiness through a closer walk with Jesus. Lent is the perfect time to take this walk with easy, fun, holy ideas to live thoughtfully and deepen your faith. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Donald Calloway, and Fr. John Riccardo shared their holy habits in Holy Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your…