May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

               Please take notice! Our country officially stands out as one of only seven countries in the world that permits the killing of a viable, pain-sensitive child in the womb after 20 weeks. We stand with China, North Korea, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Vietnam. In France, Italy, and Germany,…

Printer That Inadvertently Sent “Battle Ready” Brochures to Same-Sex Couple Being Sued

Printer That Inadvertently Sent “Battle Ready” Brochures to Same-Sex Couple Being Sued

Was it a mix up or an attack? Rather than the wedding brochures they expected, a same-sex couple received 80 brochures reported to be from Battle Ready that spoke of sin, lust and temptation.  The Australian couple filed a lawsuit in United States District Court in Massachusetts against the printer, Vistaprint.

Torn Between Two Loves

Torn Between Two Loves

I first met Kim Heilman as the newly married, Mrs. Heilman, Old Testament religion teacher at St. Mary’s High School in Bismarck.  She had a BA in Art History and English literature and an MA in Catholic studies and had lived through cultural relativism, coming out on the other end embracing her Catholic faith. It…