Dear Bill Nye: Stop Promoting Abortion with Fake Science!

Dear Bill Nye: Stop Promoting Abortion with Fake Science!

Dear Bill, I watched your YouTube video Bill Nye: Can We Stop Telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?  I see the bow tie is still there and noticed that your human cells, begun at conception, have advanced into old age. Retirement is not serving you well, however. Rather than bowing out as the energizer…

Pro-Life Troops Advance into Enemy Territory

Pro-Life Troops Advance into Enemy Territory

The dueling Marches are over. Opposition was an underlying theme based on the organizers insistence: No Pro-lifers Welcome vs. All Life is Welcome.  Now is the next phase of engagement—advancing directly into pro-abortion territory.  Put on your spiritual armor and be not afraid as we seek to regain the Constitutional right to life, liberty, and…

Bishop Paprocki: Protect Yourself in Enemy Territory

Bishop Paprocki: Protect Yourself in Enemy Territory

 “This universe is at war,” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.  During an interview with Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois for an upcoming article with the National Catholic Register about exorcism in the US, he referred to Christian author C.S. Lewis as calling the Earth enemy-occupied territory. Thus, he said, we must access…

Armageddon? Exorcist Advises: Don’t Even Think About It

Armageddon? Exorcist Advises: Don’t Even Think About It

Are the End Times upon us?  You could make a case for it. But don’t. That’s the advice of Father Vincent Lampert, the designated exorcist for the archdiocese of Indianapolis, who trained at the North American College in Rome and assisted with over 40 exorcisms with longtime Italian exorcist Father Carmine De Filippis. 

The Election Isn’t Over and Neither Should be Our Prayers

The Election Isn’t Over and Neither Should be Our Prayers

How often do we storm heaven, get what we asked for and then our prayers quickly trail off?   After the election, I wrote Trump Needs Our Prayers Now More Than Ever.  I was never without serious reservations about a Trump presidency, but as the best pro-life alternative available, I was hopeful.  But election night did…