What About Pro-abortion Politicians Who Claim to be Catholic?

What About Pro-abortion Politicians Who Claim to be Catholic?

  Hillary Clinton followed President Obama’s lead when she picked a vice-president candidate who claims allegiance to the Catholic Church while pursing anti-Catholic ends.  Senator Tim Kaine describes himself as a devout Catholic.  Is that possible? No, not if being  Catholic means anything. 

“Born This Way” Reality Show Already Reducing Down Syndrome Abortions

“Born This Way” Reality Show Already Reducing Down Syndrome Abortions

If people with Down syndrome are especially loveable, then why do so many mothers chose abortion when they discover it in their unborn baby?  Fear.  That is the main reason.  Rather than trust God and open themselves up to a new world, they tragically miss out on the gift he had for them.

HELP! My Husband is Addicted to Porn! 10 Ways to Cope

HELP! My Husband is Addicted to Porn! 10 Ways to Cope

While selling books after a women’s retreat 15 years ago, a woman with graying hair deliberately stayed at the very back of the line. Everyone was gone by the time she reached me. Holding out a book for me to sign, the woman smiled nervously. We made small talk, then, she cautiously looked around.  “I want to…

Advice from Exorcists on How to Protect Yourself

Advice from Exorcists on How to Protect Yourself

The old adage: An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure, is especially true in the spiritual realm.  The exorcism and deliverance ministry usually addresses problems arising from a lack of spiritual protection or someone purposely opening the door to evil. Fr. Patrick (not his real name) a parish priest who has been…

Rhoda Wise: Intercessor Behind Mother Angelica’s Healing

Rhoda Wise: Intercessor Behind Mother Angelica’s Healing

When Rhoda Wise died on July 7 in 1948, more than 14,000 people attended her funeral at St. Peter’s Church in Canton, Ohio. That’s equivalent to the population of an entire town!  I first heard about her only a few years ago when I read in Raymond Arroyo’s biography on Mother Angelica that Mother was…

ACLU Honors Catholic Hospitals

ACLU Honors Catholic Hospitals

 I’m very proud of the honor our Catholic hospitals received last month. Given that the culture of death is so aggressively pushing forward these days, I’m taking last month’s American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) angry report against Catholic hospitals: “Health Care Denied,” as an honor.  The ACLU is enraged that Catholic Hospitals are so good…

Brock Turner’s Parents Should Seek Mercy From the Eternal Judge

Brock Turner’s Parents Should Seek Mercy From the Eternal Judge

 Trying to save a son from the consequences of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster is not acceptable. Brock Turner’s parents pleaded to the judge for mercy after a jury convicted their son of 3 felony counts of sexual assault. Any loving parent wants mercy for their child just as we all want it…

Our Lady of the Rosary Apparitions in Argentina Approved

Our Lady of the Rosary Apparitions in Argentina Approved

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, the local bishop of San Nicolas, Argentina, Most. Reverend Hector Cardelli, announced that the apparitions of Our Lady of the Rosary are “supernatural in character” and “worthy of belief.” A devout Catholic housewife with no formal education, claimed the Blessed Mother had visited her daily for 6 ½ years and that…