Self-Centeredness Behind the Deaths of Jesus and Judas

Self-Centeredness Behind the Deaths of Jesus and Judas

 “It always amazes me that at the Last Supper, when Jesus said, ‘One of you will betray me,’ that no one knew who it was,” Msgr. Thomas Richter said during a Holy Week homily.  Such secrecy, he pointed out, is what led to Judas’s betrayal of Christ.   All of Christendom thinks “betrayer” at the name…

Faith Beyond Alzheimers -A Holy Week Story by Rosemary Kadrmas

Faith Beyond Alzheimers -A Holy Week Story by Rosemary Kadrmas

This story was originally submitted for Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart by Rosemary Kadrmas, mother for Fr. Chris Kadrmas.  It is a story of faith everlasting and a reminder of the dignity of all human life.      In the late 1990’s I worked in the activities department at a local nursing home where we often…

Conversions Coming Up

Conversions Coming Up

Dear Lord, I pray for the conversion of ______(fill in the blank).  We all have names to insert.  Divine lightening to strike them into holy submission would be lovely, but even a simple push in the right direction would be mightily appreciated.   “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that…