Mary’s Assumption—You’d Better Believe It!

Mary’s Assumption—You’d Better Believe It!

Mary was assumed into heaven, body and soul. Yeah right, some non-Catholic Christians say.  I once even heard a Catholic with Protestant leanings say, “Mary was just a person, no different than the rest of us.”  Oh PLEEZE people!  Mary’s assumption only makes sense. If God took Elijah up into heaven in a whirlwind, why…

Contraception Tweet-lash

Contraception Tweet-lash

I recently posted a prolife, anti-contraception tweet that leaked onto the screens of people who insist on separating sex from procreation.   One person commented that I was “50 cards short of a full deck” for my tweet that said:  “Abortion is backup for contraception. Until we get rid of contraception, we won’t get rid of…

Start Defending God!

Start Defending God!

  “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” Those are the iconic words from the 1976 film Network.  In an impassioned diatribe, a TV anchor galvanized the nation, convincing his viewers to shout out of their windows “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”  I…