“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

                                                  Mo and Alan with Victor          Thirteen years ago, Mo Bergman rejected a doctor’s suggestion to abort her baby because of physical abnormalities. Instead, she turned to God and the situation changed dramatically.  She is turning to God again and asking for healing for her son.  Here is her story excerpted from Amazing Grace for…

A Mother’s Perspective on the Fate of her Daughter’s Murderer

A Mother’s Perspective on the Fate of her Daughter’s Murderer

       Clayton Lockett’s disturbingly botched execution in Oklahoma a few weeks ago has re-ignited the debate over capital punishment.  Vicki Schieber had a successful career in finance and two beautiful children.  She had always been against capital punishment. Such an opinion is easy, however, when you don’t have skin in the game. But then her daughter…

Fatima Still Matters

Fatima Still Matters

May 13 is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. In a world growing more skeptical of God and cynical of religion, there is Fatima.  It is where our Blessed Mother appeared to three shepherd children and where a public miracle was witnessed before tens of thousands. In Fatima, two anti-Catholic socialist newspapers sent reporters…

“5 Steps to Finding God’s Will for Your Life” by Sarah Christmyer

“5 Steps to Finding God’s Will for Your Life” by Sarah Christmyer

When I was a kid, we had no problem making choices. We went with our gut, and if someone disagreed, we “shot it out” with Rock, Paper, Scissors or tossed a coin, then threw ourselves into whatever it was. Somewhere along the line, things got complicated. We read “Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood”…