Your Essential Guide To Rome and The Vatican by Luke Armstrong

Your Essential Guide To Rome and The Vatican by Luke Armstrong

Going to Rome and the Vatican for the canonization this month, or wanting to do some armchair traveling?  My son, Luke, posts this recommendation for travelers.       I witnessed history in the making during my pilgrimage to Rome in 2004.  Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass with the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church,…

Protestors at Charlotte Catholic High Misunderstand True Love

Protestors at Charlotte Catholic High Misunderstand True Love

What are you thinking, rebellious Catholics?  Do you imagine you love more than those who follow Church teaching?  Enabling isn’t love. Giving mortal sin a pass isn’t love.  Seeking to make everyone happy rather than holding to truth is not love.   Love hurts sometimes.  It hurts when friends and family get angry with us because…

The Pope’s Witness to a Transfiguration

The Pope’s Witness to a Transfiguration

“The transfiguration did not change anything, it revealed what was already there,” our pastor, Msgr. Tom Richter stated during his Sunday homily.  The story of Christ’s transfiguration had been the Gospel reading.  Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus transfigured in magnificent light and glory on Mount Tabor.   Msgr. Richter then proceeded to speak of another transfiguration that…

Lies for Dummies

Lies for Dummies

“These will pay for your kid’s college education,” –Beanie Baby investors.   A pile of beans sewn into animal-shaped fabric lacked long-term value once people started noticing the emperor had no clothes or rather, the beanies had no worth. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). “You can have it…

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is for Real

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is for Real

One summer afternoon during the Sixties, I watched as pods from another planet grew replacement bodies to invade the human race with duplicate, soul-less creatures.  After watching the original version of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, as an eight-year-old, I felt fearful walking around my neighborhood as if there was something out there. Many…

Detox Your Soul This Lent

Detox Your Soul This Lent

Toxins are poisons that can cause disease if absorbed into our bodies.  In the spiritual world, the poison of evil has been absorbed by our culture. Christians are hunkering down for the spiritual battle that is intensifying and sometimes, are feeling overwhelmed.  I know the feeling.  But three things have lifted my spirit recently and have…