850th Anniversary of Saint Thomas Becket’s Martyrdom

850th Anniversary of Saint Thomas Becket’s Martyrdom

   Today is the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket on December 29, 1170. Thomas Becket was a statesman, a scholar, a chancellor, a priest, an archbishop, and a lion of religious liberty. Before the Magna Carta was drafted, before the right to free exercise of religion was enshrined as America’s first…

Threat of  Biden According to Archbishop Sheen

Threat of Biden According to Archbishop Sheen

         The threat against religious  liberty that Joe Biden brings to  his run for the Whitehouse was  addressed by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen in 1947 in his  book, Characters of  the  Passion.            For all the accusations that Christian and Catholic teaching is dangerous to our free society, Sheen pointed out that the reality is quite…

“From Severe Stuttering to Dramatic Success”       by Chuck Piola

“From Severe Stuttering to Dramatic Success” by Chuck Piola

The teacher would call on me and I’d panic. My palms became damp with sweat and my throat would tighten.  I’d tell myself to calm down, but anxiety would force its way up.  The eyes of the other students seemed to bore a hole though me, watching and waiting for the answer that would not—could not–come.