Our Sons from Kenya

Our Sons from Kenya

We never officially said “yes” to taking in a boy from Kenya, but had promised to pray about it. One thing led to another and in the end, many lives were changed. Calvin’s coming to us was an amazing answer to his seemingly impossible prayer.  Years earlier, he had read a book about a boy…

Can Contraception Raise Family IQ’s?

Can Contraception Raise Family IQ’s?

     Minorities are not generally high achievers so the government has a responsibility to reduce their population. (Stay with me, I have a point to make.) Singleton children from highly educated, successful parents tend to be self-centered, so the government needs to address that unpatriotic situation.   Rich families breed kids with tendencies for depression,…



You are a dummy if you do not friend the Blessed Mother, the best thing this side of God. Mary is the very best friend we could ever have. Yet, there are some out there who don’t even bother accepting her friendship.  In general, Protestants don’t include her in their social circles but there are also…

Vending Machine Morality

Vending Machine Morality

When a former college president shared that he had installed vending machines with condoms in the girls’ dorms, my face must have betrayed disapproval.  After a pregnant pause, (sorry, couldn’t resist) he further explained, “The girls asked me to do it because they wanted to be responsible.” I was my husband’s date at a banquet…