Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

  Abortion advocates have shown us their hand. They are even more heartless than we imagined.  Their commitment to end the lives of babies was made clear when New York legalized abortions right up to birth, Vermont and Rhode Island also passed radical abortion and infanticide laws, and other states are attempting to do the same. 

Irish prayers for Families and Spiritual Strength

Irish prayers for Families and Spiritual Strength

              I write this on St. Patrick’s Day, but  these are three beautiful Irish prayers for spiritual strength and protection all year round.              I’ve adapted the first two for families (replacing “this child” with “our children” in the first one, and “you” with “our children” in the second.) The third…

How the Rosary Drove Communism Out of Brazil

How the Rosary Drove Communism Out of Brazil

March 19 is the anniversary of a time when Catholic women of Brazil picked up their most powerful weapon—the rosary—and drove communism from their country.   In 1964, the oppressive President Joao Goulart had appointed many communists to positions of leadership. Humble, faithful women understood the power of the Blessed Mother’s intercession and formed rosary…

“No One Should be Surprised That Infanticide is Now on the Table”    by Cole McKeown

“No One Should be Surprised That Infanticide is Now on the Table” by Cole McKeown

                 Democrats voted down the born-alive bill that would have given legal protection for infants that survive an abortion attempt.  While pro-life advocates are enraged, Democrats claim there has been no real change in actual practice with the defeat of this bill. And they are right. Their decline in the…

Grow Closer to the Blessed Mother Through Her Many Titles

Grow Closer to the Blessed Mother Through Her Many Titles

In the Bible, the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ is called Mary and we are told all generations shall call her blessed (Luke 1:48). And so, we do. The Blessed Mother is an endearing name throughout the Christian and even Muslim world.   (Note: Mary is mentioned in the Koran even more times than in…