How Can Anyone be Surprised Church is Prolife?

How Can Anyone be Surprised Church is Prolife?

 Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer at Salon and a self-proclaimed Catholic who walked out of Mass last month because the priest was prolife. “The fight for abortion means finding a new place in my faith,” she wrote.   Her July 29 article “I Don’t Know How to be Catholic Anymore,” was intended to grandstand against the…

Multiply Your Prayers

Multiply Your Prayers

  We can tap into the power of God through prayer and also offer them towards others.  “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working,” (James 5:16).  I don’t think anyone should spend the…

Father Peter Mary Rookey and his Miracle Prayer

Father Peter Mary Rookey and his Miracle Prayer

Every now and then I learn about something and wonder: Why didn’t I know about this before?  Father Peter Mary Rookey falls into that category.  I learned about him after coming across the “Miracle Prayer,” written and promoted by him while he was alive. Although we cannot assume anyone is in heaven unless they are canonized a saint,…