The fury of
hell was unleashed in Argentina, October 12 outside of the Cathedral of
Mar de Plata in connection with their annual March for Women.
 According to LifeSite,
an angry mob of pro-abortion anti-Catholic women–many topless–violently
assaulted a group of men that prayed outside of the Cathedral to counter the
  The protest demonstrated the manifestation of
the diabolical.  In
a talk by Ven.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
, he pointed to an example in
Scripture to identify the 3 signs of the diabolical: love of nudity (public),
violence, and division.  The Argentina
protest is a clear example. 

Ven. Archbishop Sheen
A video of the protest contained so much nudity that LifeSite created a censored version.  Men locked arms and calmly continued to pray, showing courage and determination against the diabolical frenzy. Sheen
noted the Scripture passage that demonstrates the signs present in the protest. 
For a long time this man had not worn
clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he
cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do you
want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!”
For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it
had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard,
he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places
Jesus asked him,
“What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into
… (Luke 8: 26-30).
Love of Nudity
The possessed man, like the pro-abortion women at the protest, engaged in
public nudity. These women believed that a good way to make their point was to
go topless.  And they were right. Point
made.  Animals don’t wear clothing and
don’t have qualms about killing.  Yet,
outside of the rodent world, most animals don’t even kill their own young.  So their values are beneath even the animal
No doubt, the women audaciously smug to have shocked the prayerful.  If they only understood that our shock is
sheer horror for the depravity of their souls. 
The Scripture says: “…though he was chained hand and foot and kept under
guard, he had broken his chains.
Mark 5:4 explained: “For he had often
been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on
his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him
According to LifeSite: “…this year’s violence seemed to be the most extreme
yet, with the women turning their
violence against the police, and even attempting to set the Cathedral on fire
The women tore down the outer gate of the cathedral and hurled glass bottles and feces at the young men standing guard.”
hateful against the Catholic Church and rejecting the sacredness of life can
only be influenced from one source—the devil.  They do violence at his bidding to promote the
culture of death. 
Sheen pointed out that the
passage said: “…many demons had gone into him. Mark’s version has the
demoniac reply: My name is Legion, for we are many.  Watching the mob of violent, rabid women, it
is clear that unity was not their goal. 
The large furious horde disrupted those peacefully praying for life.
Sheen explained that the word
“diabolical” comes from two Greek words dia+ballein, meaning, “to tear apart.”    Our world, it seems has never been more
divided.  We see it in our own country
regarding marriage and life issues.
In a violent, obscene protest such as in
Argentina, there is no peace, no allowing for respect of others in spite of
differences of opinions.  Instead there
is hate and division.   Sheen spoke of a
type of schizophrenia within people, drawn to both good and evil.  In Argentina, those women actually believe
they are doing good while immersed in so much evil. It is a moral schizophrenia
where the devil deludes that good is bad and bad is good.
Not New; Just More
So we are divided—those for life, true
marriage and love of God, and those that are not.  Our culture suffers from the love of nudity
as pornography and indecency ensnares many. 
And the violence grows, from protests in places like Ferguson and from ISIS
and the continued tragedy of abortion.
The Argentina protest is obviously
diabolical, but take heart; we always must. 
As our culture divides, the differences are stark and good and evil come
clearly into focus. God-loving pro-lifers have always known that the devil is
behind abortion and radically immoral and divisive issues.  We’ve always known the devil hates prayer,
and all that the Catholic Church stands for. 
To see the diabolical frenzy played out
so brazenly is simply confirmation for what we already knew.  Perhaps this display should get those on the
fence—I’m personally against abortion, but…–to
realize whom it is that they enable with wishy-washy morality.
The spiritual battle that began with
Adam and Eve will continue until the end of the world.  This world was never really about anything
else.  And the diabolical was never not present. But just like the men who
kept praying, we know what to do: stay the course, trust in God, do not fear,
and for heaven’s sake, pray for those poor, poor lost souls.
“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart,
and to bring home those who have lost their way.”
— St. Francis of

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