
Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families

Big Hearted gives you an inside look into the triumphs, struggles, joys and sorrows of ordinary families with generous hearts. It invites you to witness extraordinary love in ordinary moments like the simple cooking of a meal or the hug between a teenaged brother and his baby sister. Just like your family, these families experience pain, setbacks, and challenges. And just like your family, they also experience love and immeasurable blessing through their commitment and care for each other.


A fun story full of humor and inspiration as Aaron Ajax struggles with a move to a new town and adjustment to a new school. A bully, fitting in, trying to be a hero the wrong way and in the end, doing the right thing, all comes together for an engaging, fast-paced adventure with laughs and lessons on making sense of prayer when you don’t get what you ask for.

Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious!

This humorous and inspirational children’s book addresses how to make sense of faith when prayers aren’t answered – and more importantly: “Is God even listening?” When Luke, a 5th grader, finds out he’s going to be homeschooled with his brothers, he can’t believe it and questions whether God is listening when he prays to go back to school with his friends. His humorous approach to life often gets him into trouble but so too does his stubbornness.

Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart

Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart will help you celebrate your Catholic faith like no other book you have ever read. It will take your heart and soul on a joyous spiritual retreat from the challenges and struggles of everyday life. This collection of 101 stories of faith, inspiration, hope and humor attest to the power and beauty of God’s amazing grace.

Amazing Grace for Mothers

Amazing Grace for Mothers will lift your heart and send your spirit soaring. You will laugh, you will cry, but most of all you will refresh your mothering through stories of love, inspiration, miracles, and God’s amazing grace. This collection of 101 stories will bring you the warmth and support of other women, all dedicated to the same glorious role – motherhood.

Amazing Grace for Fathers

Amazing Grace for Fathers celebrates the power of fatherhood: love. The love of our fathers on earth reflects the infinite love of God, our heavenly Father, from which all fatherly guidance, discipline, and protection flows. The powerful stories in this book show just how deep a father’s love is for his children, particularly when he lives in and is strengthened by God’s grace. Here, you will find support and inspiration for your own fatherhood.

Amazing Grace for Families

The word “family” brings to mind thoughts of joy, sacrifice,
affection, hardship, and humor. Yet it is love that defines what it
means to be a family, and it is this same love that gives a family their purpose. In bearing witness to the mystery of the love of Christ, the family becomes the “domestic sanctuary of the Church.” Amazing Grace for Families contains 101 stories of faith,
hope, inspiration, and humor. Some are sorrowful, others are humorous,
but all will inspire you and your family to grow in love for each other
as you fulfill your roles in the domestic church.

Amazing Grace for Married Couples

Amazing Grace for Married Couples will deepen your commitment to marriage like no other book. This is a collection of 12 inspirational stories about marriages that were on the brink of disaster, only to be redeemed by God’s amazing grace. Grace for Survivors 

“For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Cor 12:10

As Christians, we recognize that life’s struggles can bring us strength and peace even if the challenges remain. This means that surviving is more than merely getting through an ordeal. It is being triumphant in spirit, regardless of the outcome. In Amazing Grace for Survivors, you will will witness God’s power as He forms and strengthens ordinary people who faced extraordinary circumstances. You will experience the pain in these stories and share the glory of their triumph. In the end, their grace becomes yours, for we are one body in Christ.