“The Pharisees would not let
Jesus be God,” the priest said during a homily this morning referring to
the Gospel of John 8: 51-59
“Jesus said: “Abraham your father rejoiced to see my
he saw it and was glad.”
are not yet fifty years old and you have seen Abraham?” the Pharisees
responded. Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you,
Abraham came to be, I AM.”
So they picked up stones to throw at
but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area.

What was wrong
with those Pharisees?  Despite an
abundance of miracles, even raising people from the dead, yet they persisted in
their persecution of Jesus—refusing to consider that he could be the Savior.
While watching
the Pharisee’s hatred of Jesus during the The
Passion of the Christ
movie, I wished I could have seen the look on their
faces after they died and realized that Jesus, whom they persecuted, really was
God. Not very Christian of me, I suppose.
But the priest’s
homily was not to announce that the Pharisees were bad and we are good.
Instead, he asked, do we really let Jesus be God?  Because unless we surrender to Jesus, we are
not letting him be God. It means accepting even the crosses and then turning to
Jesus for help carrying them.
As I meditated on
the homily, I thought it’s simply hard to let God be God at all.  Suffering can feel like a betrayal because we
are God’s friend after all, so why isn’t he cooperating with us.
Years ago I read
a reflection on prayer and faith.  “If
you pray and then worry about God’s response, then you don’t have faith. If you
believe that God has every hair on your head counted, you must also trust that he
has heard your prayer and will answer in the way that is best for you.”
The Blessed
Mother showed us how to cooperate with God and not the other way around. She
didn’t complain while going from inn to inn looking for a place to give birth.
While looking for Jesus for 3 days, there was no whining Why me? Mary surrendered and trusted God to be God, regardless of
her own comforts and preferences.

In my own life, and I’m guessing yours too, many times when I did not get what I asked for, I eventually realized that God’s no was actually a blessing. We can look back and see the hand of God so often, giving us what we didn’t think we wanted and taking away things for our own good.  By trusting and following where God takes us, the blessings come and his grace overflows and us.
I don’t want to
be like a Pharisee.  I want to let God be
God.  This beautiful Novena of
by Father Dolindo Routolo whose cause for canonization has been
opened, has been helping me to let go and let God. 

For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series.
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