Dr. Ben Carson seems like a nice guy.  A lot of other people think so too because he is high in the polls in the Republican presidential race.  As a result, Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist (SDA)
faith is a curiosity now.  Will it work
for him or against him?  As Catholics
learn more about it, it’s making many nervous.

In his February 7, 2013 National Prayer
Breakfast speech
, Carson said that his single mother cared when they were doing poorly in
school.  She prayed about it and then
turned off the TV and made them read books. Reading became enjoyable to Carson
and opened up possibilities. “I came to understand that I had control over my
own destiny…I still hated poverty but I knew it was only temporary.”
His mother and love of reading certainly
formed him—but Carson had another powerful influence. 
My role model was Jesus,” he said.  
Carson’s love of Jesus could
have many faces given the finer details of various Protestant factions. The SDA,
however, has a face that frowns upon Catholics.  
Catholic Answers explains some their teachings
in an article.  I will summarize a few of
the highlights and lowlights.
It began with American Baptist preacher William Miller
(1782–1849) who predicted the Second Coming between 1843 and 1844. His
followers became known as “Adventists” expecting Christ’s
imminent arrival, or “advent.”  When it
didn’t happen, their theology morphed a bit and by 1860, the Seventh-day
Adventist denomination became official.
Their church has a valid baptism, believes in original
sin and rejects the once-saved-always-saved doctrine. They agree with many
Catholic teachings, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth,
atonement, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming.
The Seventh-day Adventists also have strange beliefs
such as Sunday worship will be “the mark of the beast” in the end
times; the devil will one day roam the earth while Christians are with Christ
in heaven; the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and the wicked will ultimately
be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned.  Some of their teachings are unfortunately,
vile to the Catholic Church; calling us the Whore of Babylon and the pope, the
Antichrist.  Outright
falsehoods are taught about Catholics that
could very easily be corrected by seeking information, such as we believe the
pope is God and we worship statues.
Ellen Gould White
Catholic Answers article states that SDA moderates are in the minority.
 Anti-Catholicism characterizes the
denomination, coming from the supposedly “divinely inspired” writings of one of
the founders, Ellen Gould White.  
The pope is referred to as the “haughty see of Rome”
and the seven-headed beast from the sea mentioned in Revelation. “Romanism” is called
cunning and mocked for declaring to be infallible and demanding homage, “the
same claim urged by Satan…” White warned of Catholic influences in the world, claiming
we are strengthening our forces for the time when we will strike.  This sad, paranoid impression of the Catholic faith,
fails to realize that we are the same church began by Jesus Christ with the same
teachings written about by the early Church Fathers.
Could Carson be a Moderate? 
In spite of such animosity, the SDA teaches that some
Catholics—in spite of our perceived evil—can beat the odds and be saved. There
are also moderates who don’t get overly excited about Catholics. Could Carson
be among them?
He has been criticized for working on Saturdays, their
Sabbath. (Sunday Sabbaths are the evil invention of Catholics.) 
He told a SDA news network in 2013 that
he tries to respect the Sabbath, but has campaigned and made stops on his book
tour on Saturdays.  So, in that area,
Carson has not followed his church strictly.
Carson also told Religion News
that he attends other churches sometimes:  “I spend just as much time in non-Seventh-day
Adventist churches because I’m not convinced that the denomination is the most
important thing. I think it’s the relationship with God that’s most important.”
 Perhaps another sign he’s not overly
strict in following SDA teachings.
It’s unlikely we will ever know exactly where Carson
stands on Catholics, but a person can’t be a SDA and not live amid
anti-Catholicism.  The question is, does it matter if Carson is anti-Catholic?
What Matters
We are not asking Carson to teach catechism classes.  Religion certainly guides a person’s
politics, but what happens in the Catholic Church is not under a president’s
direction.  No president can stop us from
worshiping on Sunday, ban us from following the Pope, or take away our statues,
so, it seems he could not affect our Church.   
However, while Carson’s various opinions may or may
not be rooted in his religious faith, there is one topic that cannot be
separated from religion–abortion. Abortion is an intrinsic evil—always
wrong.   Never mind that some politicians
claim to be faithful Catholics and
pro-abortion. They are deranged and in serious need of our prayers less they
face damnation.  
In his latest book, A
More Perfect Union: What we the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional
, Carson calls abortion the “enemy of our children.”  He wrote: “Financial stability and education
will do our children no good if they are not alive to experience them.”  He has stated that he would appoint judges and
justices that favor protecting the unborn.
And yet, neither his record nor his
church’s teaching on abortion is completely clean.
Seventh-day Adventist website
 blows a lot of hot air about how unfortunate it
is that “abortion is one of the tragic dilemmas of human fallenness.” They claim: “Abortion should be performed only for the most serious
reasons.”  Hello?  Everyone showing up at abortion facilities
thinks it’s for a serious reason.  “The Church
should offer gracious support to those who personally face the decision
concerning an abortion,” the SDA site suggests.  They soft-pedal evil, galvanizing support of abortion
as sad but inevitable.
celebrated Carson’s pro-life sound bites, but a sound bite is not a resume.
Carson has defended actions opposed to life.  POLITICO
reported that Carson referred women carrying babies with genetic defects to
doctors that perform abortions.  He has also  conducted research on fetal tissue and
he was a trustee of a foundation that gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to
Planned Parenthood.   “He believes in quality medical care, No. 1,
and secondly, he believes in people making their own decisions based on facts
and information,” POLITICO reported Carson’s communications director Doug Watts
stated when asked if Carson defended referring women to doctors that provide
stressed that Carson, “ believes that life begins at conception and he is
opposed to abortion after that.”  He has come
out in
of a Congressional bill banning abortion at 20 weeks.
“As a
physician who does not believe in abortion, when faced with a patient who has
severe medical problems, I would refer someone for an abortion,” Carson told
the Baltimore Sun in September of 1992. “I believe that person needs to hear
both sides …”
In a CNN
, Carson also defended his past use of tissue from aborted fetuses
for medical research in 1992 even as he criticized Planned Parenthood for
selling fetal baby parts.  His logic is,
it’s wrong but as long as the tissue is there, might as well use it. 

Carson is
pro-life until inconvenience gets in the way. 
Yes, he’s better than the many democrats that advocate for partial birth
abortion and for leaving babies still alive after abortions to die.  I am glad he respects life, but
I wish he disagreed with his Church and sought to protect all of it.  In Carson’s case, it’s easier to
accept possible anti-Catholicism than his compromises on life.  It’s good that he recognizes that a life begins at conception.  I pray that he will therefore, come to realize that he has a responsibility to protect all life.    

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