people think they are more highly evolved than those mired in morality.  Their politically correct rants propel us
into a strange new world where life, death, and marriage are relative and sexual urges determine right and wrong.  But rather than evolving into higher
thinking, their pride pulls them into insanity. 
that the world has gone mad has reared its ugly head in the Pacific of
  In New Zealand, the island country
on the southwestern Pacific Ocean, 77 of 121 members of Parliament voted in
April to amend the 1955 Marriage Act to allow same-sex couples to marry. Upon
the news, onlookers and some lawmakers
broke into a love song.  New Zealand thus became the 13th nation to
legalize gay marriage and the first nation in the Asia-Pacific region. 
can be contagious and threatens to spread to neighboring Australia.  A major advertising campaign is now promoting
the annihilation of the sacred institution of marriage.  The executives surely think they are geniuses
with their pro-gay marriage campaign.  Billboards
and a
television commercial
shows a pregnant woman and her partner at an ultrasound appointment. When
told,  “You’re having a lesbian,” the
couple breaks into emotional smiles. The
campaign’s billboard shows a pregnant woman smiling
and baring her belly, with the words “Congratulations, you’re having a

       The campaign’s message is that children can be born gay so marriage equality is everyone’s issue. It’s our issue for sure, but Catholic teaching states that marriage does not come in a variety of forms, but is between one man and one woman.

     The U.S. Supreme Court will soon
decide on two marriage issues to either defend traditional marriage or redefine
it.  But whatever the court decides, and
whatever any country’s legislators vote for, they are men and do not speak for
God. The Church does and it teaches that marriage is between one man and one
woman. Men cannot change the laws of God.
getting into the debate as to whether sexual identity is biological or not, the
question remains: is marriage a right to same-sex couples.  
William B. May’s booklet Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: a Guide for Effective Dialogue, effectively defends traditional marriage as being the only institution that
unites children to their moms and dads. “Many people on both sides of the debate
are focused on whether it’s right for homosexuals to marry rather than being
focused on what marriage actually is,” May writes.
     The debate is accelerating
around the world.  A generation ago, this
would have been unthinkable. Today, people are getting misty-eyed at calling a
baby a lesbian and breaking into song at something once generally agreed to be
disordered.  Truth never changes but the
chasm between those that hold fast to Christian teaching and those that don’t’
has become a virtual gorge.  It’s getting
sparse on one of the sides, but better to stick to the truth than join a
popularity movement based on lies.  “Woe
to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light
for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20).
     Take courage and regardless of
the insanity around us, truth does not change with the times and neither does
God.  It’s spiritual warfare and God is
our commander.  “For
our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).


Two new books for spring:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families  is a collection of stories on love and life.   Dear God, I Don’t Get It is children’s fiction that presents faith through a fun and exciting story.

Follow Patti at Twitter or like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted FamiliesA GPS Guide to Heaven and Earth

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