How ironic
that Pontius Pilate who sentenced Jesus Christ to death, should give testimony
to the existence of Jesus 2000 years later through a stone bearing Pilate’s
   The decision of the prefect of Judea to
crucify Jesus, clinched salvation history and was both the greatest good and
the greatest evil—sentencing Jesus to death and saving mankind.
  That decision rested on Pilate’s shoulders—a
man Scripture shows was conflicted.
questions to Jesus seemed sincere: “Are you the King of the Jews?” and “What is

Finding a
stone from a building with Pilate’s name etched into it, gives evidence of the
connection between the crucifixion from the Bible and physical Roman history.
The story of
Stone that Proves Pilate’s Existence
is one of two episodes that I previewed in part
2 of CNN’s series,
Jesus: Faith, Fact and Forgery.”
  Each segment focuses on a
particular character or event in the life of Jesus and blends dramatic
reenactment, with historical evidence and scholarly commentary.
The second season examines
the value and authenticity of six new artifacts: exploring
the childhood home of Jesus, the arm of Thomas, the
tomb of Lazarus, the tomb of King Herod, and the bones of St. Peter believed to
under St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Given that CNN is about news
and not religion, the series brings Christianity to an audience not always so
inclined.  It looks at the historical
reality, which when given a fair hearing, supports Christianity as we travel
back to the time when Jesus walked the earth.  From the two episodes that I previewed, the
reporting seems very fair and through the story of Jesus Christ, inspiration
cannot be held back. 
The panel of contributors that provide expert commentary across denominational
lines include the Catholic priest, Father James Martin, SJ, author, Jesus: A Pilgrimage
, and an editor of the Jesuit weekly magazine
America.  For the sake of full disclosure
to Catholic readers who want to know a priests background, Fr. Martin wrote
an article 10 years ago criticizing Pope Benedict’s equation of abortion and
same-sex marriage, but he does not challenge the Catholic teaching.
From what I’ve
seen of the series,
Jesus: Faith, Fact and Forgery”
 it will be a very addition for the Lenten season. The show
premieres on Sunday, March 5 at 9 PM ET/PT.


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