Holy Hacks are about increasing your capacity for holiness through thoughtful intentions to live a deeper faith. Here are two priests who shared their holy habits in Holy Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith and Get to Heaven.

Fr. Donald Calloway, M.I.C., of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, vocation direction and house superior of the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, Ohio.

·      On all my Christmas cards I write: “Mary Christmas!”

·      I pray a Hail Mary for the souls in purgatory every time I pass a cemetery.

·      Whenever I pass a Catholic Church, I pray a Glory Be and bow my head. 

·      Whenever I see a Masonic or LGBTQ+ sticker on a car, I pray a Memorare for the driver.

·      Whenever I see an ambulance on the street, I pray a Hail Mary for the situation.

·      I often give my upgrades on flights to complete strangers, especially the elderly and women.

·      I give away rosaries and books on the Rosary.

·      Whenever someone in public uses the name of Jesus in vain, I add to it, “  ___is Lord, or     ___be praised.

·      Go here for a listing of his many books and future pilgrimages.  

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., president and founder of Ignatius

 Productions and an EWTN radio and TV host

also contributed his ideas for walking with the Lord. He is fluent in thirteen languages and is bi-ritual, meaning he can celebrate liturgy in both the Roman and Maronite rites.

·      I use some hymns as my ringtone in my cell phone. Right now, I am using the hymn “Al Messiah Qama min bayn al-amwat” (Christ has risen from the dead; a Melkite Easter hymn), and during Lent I used “el Yom Ollika” (The day Christ hung), with Fairuz singing both. These are two of my favorite hymns, and they get me singing them after a phone call.

·      I downloaded the Bible in Hebrew and Greek into my phone, so I can always look up a passage when I need it.

·      In my computer I have a great Bible program—Bible Works, though I also have the Logos program, which helps me in my work here at EWTN as well as in my writing.

·      In confession, I frequently recommend that people addicted to pornography use an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a screen background or use a series of them for screensavers. Not many people want their Mother to catch them looking at porn on the Internet,

To order a copy of the book, go here

God bless you and Mary Christmas!


For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series. 

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