Fr. Pat Convoy, screen shot capture from C-Span |
It was not an exorcism but the Chaplain of the House of Representatives, Father Patrick Convoy prayed to “cast out all spirits of darkness” on Thursday after tensions flared during debates.
Fr. Pat Convoy, screen shot capture from C-Span |
It was not an exorcism but the Chaplain of the House of Representatives, Father Patrick Convoy prayed to “cast out all spirits of darkness” on Thursday after tensions flared during debates.
Big Hearted is best. No one wants to be the opposite; small or cold hearted. Jesus Christ has the biggest heart of all–the Sacred Heart. So how does one become bigger hearted? The heart is a muscle and like all muscles the more we use it, the stronger and bigger…
Summer is here and the modesty articles are upon us. I’m all for modesty, but there are debates within the debate on how women should dress that complicates the matter. Our Lady of Fatima is often invoked from one of her messages to the 3 shepherd children: “The sins which bring most souls to hell…
Earth Day is a good time to ask: Did God Screw Up? It would seem, according to population mongers, that the planet got too small under the weight of humanity. Yet, would an all-knowing God create a world we would outgrow?
I loved Halloween as a child. It was a custom I initially continued with our children but then backed off amid warnings that it was an evil holiday.
“A hungry man does not have to be reminded to eat.” Those were the words of my pastor after I confessed that I often allow myself to be distracted. “If you hunger for God more, you will be distracted less,” he said.
There is a reason behind the recent breakout of reported sex abuse. Deranged thinking has been with us for antiquity, but we have entered a new high on the sexual offender scale. And in case you haven’t notice, fatigue is setting in on this once-sensational headline. The…