On Holy Thursday, at the precipice of
his horrible suffering and death, Jesus stated his deepest desire.
  He knew upon leaving the  Last
Supper, that it would be a short time before he was inflicted with
unimaginable suffering and crucifixion.

It was then that Jesus shared his
deepest desire. “Father, I will that where I am, they also whom you have given
me may be with me in order that they may behold my glory which you have given
me because you have loved me since before the creation of the world.” His
ardent desire for us, his creatures who have sinned and betrayed him so many
times, is to be with us.
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity has
reflected on this desire in her writings. 
St. John Paul II beatified her in 1984, five years into his
papacy.  He identified her as one of the most influential mystics in his
spiritual life. She died in 1906 at the age of 26. Yet this contemplative
understood that the Holy Spirit is timeless and holiness is an equal
opportunity venture.
During the last months of her life,
Blessed Elizabeth wrote down theological reflections that she believed would
help people grow in prayer. She also wrote a 10-day retreat for her biological
sister Margaret, a young mother.  Blessed Elizabeth wanted Catholics to
enter deep into the mystery of God in order to have a transforming encounter
with Christ and change the way they encountered the world.  One of the meditations she wrote about was the
desire of Jesus on Holy Thursday.
Uniting with Jesus
“Jesus desire is for us to be with him
in communion. This is what he aches for, his deepest desire that he prays
for.  This is what Jesus was doing the night before he died.” 
Blessed Elizabeth calls this Jesus’s last wish, his supreme prayer. Out of this
deep desire, he utters this prayer to the Father. She wants our hearts to be
informed by this desire and to share it.  “If we do, our
spiritual lives and prayers will explode,” she wrote.  “Our thoughts will
be soaked with God. Because if we realize that if this is the Son of God—he is
the Word spoken by the Father that has become flesh, and this is Jesus’ deepest
desire, it ought to evoke in us a desire that responds to it.”
Blessed Elizabeth wanted our faith to be
to desire communion with God. That it is exactly what Jesus said he wants with
us. We don’t have to take the afternoon off and bury ourselves in
religious books and hours of prayer on our knees according to her.  To be
contemplative, she explained, we need to understand the simplicity of wanting
to be united with Jesus and at the same time, the deepness. “Our omnipotent
God, the creator of the World, wants most to be united with his poor limited
frail creatures. He yearns for us to live with him.”
Blessed Elizabeth
Blessed Elizabeth tapped into the
understanding that we are made for something more than this world.  In the
midst of achievement, people are still empty, we are made for more, to dwell in
union with God and God wants to dwell with us.  When we live in unity with
God, we have faith and we find our home with God.  “The peace we were made
to enjoy is found only by faith in Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ is the
only one who can lead me into the bosom of the Trinity into the heart of the
Father and in the heart of the Father my heart finds rest and I find the
fullness of my humanity and the joy that God created me for becomes mine.”

Heaven in Faith
The information for this article comes
from the Beginning to
Pray with Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
podcasts, Dr. Anthony
Liles presents this as the 10-day spiritual retreat written by Blessed
Elizabeth.  Dr. Lilles is a Catholic husband and father of three who
teaches Spiritual Theology at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. His
expertise is in the spiritual doctrine of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity and
the Carmelite Doctors of the Church: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross
and St. Thérèse of Lisieux. He is the author of Hidden Mountain,
Secret Garden: A Theological Contemplation on Prayer


For more inspiration, check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families. Your children will laugh while learning big spiritual lessons with Dear God, I Don’t Get It! and Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious. 

         Follow Patti at Twitter and like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families and  Catholic News & Inspiration on Facebook.  

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