When I kissed my father-in-law’s forehead goodbye
recently, it had gone cold.
 We had come
to say a rosary before his body was taken to be cremated. No one was in there
Heart Failure

was suspected.  Flu was written on the hospital death
certificate. In 1980 after a heart attack, he had been given 1-3 more years to
live, but his spirit had stayed in his body for another 35 years.

Even if the best doctors in the world could have all
come together to fix the straw that broke his camel’s back, still, he would
never return.  My father-in-law was
already elsewhere. His body crumbled, but the energy that is he—his soul–continues
on.  Physics teaches us that energy
cannot be created or destroyed.  It does
exist, however, so it was created,
simply not by us.  And once created, life/energy
cannot be destroyed, only transferred onto the next life.
Ingredients Not Enough
Scientists can have all the necessary ingredients in their
laboratory, but cannot create life.  Life
only comes from other life. Only.  It’s
silly for atheists to demand how it can be that God lives, because either God had no creator, or everything else
in the world had no creator.  I’ll put my
money on God.
We are more than mere ingredients that accumulate like
rock crystals.  We have life.  Evolution stakes its philosophy on chance
meetings that defy all odds and yet still cannot explain life itself.  
In the article, A Closer Look at the Evidence, Richard and Tina Kleiss illustrate that the odds of life starting through
evolution is beyond possible.
As biochemists have learned more about the
complexity of life, it has become increasingly apparent that thousands of
specific and complex chemicals are required for any form of life to survive,”
they wrote.
Evolutionist Harold Morowitz estimated the
probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism
at 1/10340,000,000.
  By comparison only 1020 grains of sand could fit
within a cubic mile and 10 billion times more (1030) would fit
inside the entire earth.  So, the probability of forming a simple cell by
chance processes is infinitely less likely than having a blind person select one
specifically marked grain of sand out of an entire earth filled with sand.”
Aint Got No Time for
The Kleisses explain further: “Five billion years is nowhere near long
enough for evolution to have taken place.
  In reality, all of
eternity would not provide enough time for random processes to form the
enormous complexity of life.” They
point out that even the simplest conceivable form of life (i.e. bacteria)
contains at least 600 different protein molecules.
  “Each of these
molecules performs specific functions by fitting into other molecules shaped in
exact three-dimensional spatial arrangements.  These proteins work like a
key fitting into a lock — only a specifically shaped protein will fit.”  
Yet, according to them, there are
multiple trillions of possible combinations of protein molecules and shapes.
How could the exactly required shape find the
exactly correct corresponding protein in order to perform the required cellular
function?” the Kleisses ask. “The mathematical probability that the
precisely designed molecules needed for the ‘simplest’ bacteria could form by
chance arrangement of amino acids (these are the chemicals that link up to form
proteins) is far less than 1 in 10450. Most scientists acknowledge
that any possibility less than one in 1050 is considered an
But even if all the correct chemicals gather
together, life does not come into being. When a life ends, the chemicals are still
there, but not the life. It’s not about the parts at all, but about something
more.  Atheists believe in the parts—in
spite of impossible odds.  The faithful
believe in something more. 

I think that atheists should be the ones that
are called the “faithful.”  It is they
who believe in the impossible.  The rest
of us see that God reveals himself to us and gives us reasons for our faith in
him.  Life is a good reason.


For more inspiration, check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families. Your children will laugh while learning big spiritual lessons with Dear God, I Don’t Get It! and Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious. 

         Follow Patti at Twitter and like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families and  Catholic News & Inspiration on Facebook.  

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