1. Speak
as little as possible about yourself.

2. Keep
busy with your own affairs.

3. Do not
interfere in the affairs of others.

4. Accept
small irritations with good humor.

5. Do not
dwell on the faults of others.

6. Accept
censures even if unmerited.

7. Give
in to the will of others. [But never compromise God’s will.]

8. Accept
insults and injuries.

Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded.

10. Be
courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone.

11. Do
not seek to be admired and loved.

12. Do
not protect yourself behind your own dignity.

13. Give
in, in discussions, even when you are right.

Choose always the more difficult task.

For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series.
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