Here we go again: Mean, bad, unchristian
Catholic school officials fire much-loved teacher.  Jocelyn Morffi, the Miami first grade teacher of
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School
was terminated upon returning from her February 3, wedding to
another woman. She wrote on her Instagram account: “In their eyes I’m not the
right kind of Catholic for my choice in partner.”

Parents learned of the firing
in a letter from the school’s principal, according to 
Miami-area news reports. No
reason was given but they were assured that the students’ education wouldn’t be
disrupted.  Parents were asked “for your
continued prayers” for the school.
Archdiocese of Miami spokeswoman Mary Ross Agosta confirmed the firing, saying
that Morffi had broken her contract. “As a teacher in a Catholic school their
responsibility is partly for the spiritual growth of the children. One has to
understand that in any corporation, institution or organization there are policies
and procedures and teachings and traditions that are adhered to. If something
along the way does not continue to stay within that contract, then we have no
other choice.”
liberal media has had harsh criticism for the Church’s behavior and complains
that the county doesn’t forbid religious institutions from terminating
employees who come out as gay or lesbian.
know. It’s coming.
same-sex marriage became legal in 2014 in Miami, the Archbishop Thomas Wenski
sent a statement that informed all employees of the Church regardless of their
religion, that everyone must abide by Catholic teaching, or they could face
consequences including termination.  Why
is this shocking to anyone? 
many of the parents are furious, claiming they don’t care about a teacher’s
sexual preferences, only how she treats the students. Of course, the liberal media
disagrees with the Church. They don’t like the teachings. That should surprise
no one. It is the angry Catholic parents that do not make sense. Parents paying
to send their children to a Catholic school should expect a Catholic education consistent
with Catholic teaching.  Anything else is
not logical.
angry parents want to know: At what point
is the Catholic Church going to get in line with the culture and fold on 2,000
+ year-old teachings?
  Never. Ever.  Take your kids out now if Catholic teaching
offends you. But better yet, seek to understand it and in this case, learn about
the love and support the Church offers to
those with same sex attraction.
It is
not an easy issue.  I know people
personally with kids who have same-sex attraction. But not all desires are created equal. Jesus
was loving but firm, telling those he healed to sin no more.  He was not
soft on sin, but his mercy and love ran deep.  Catholic teaching is not
going to go away. However, I do wish that parents angry at Catholic
schools for being Catholic, would.
For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series.
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