I had forgotten to pray prior to practice with my co-hosts for our upcoming TV talk show, “Ladies of Another View” on BEK News
It was something we had done a few times and everyone happily agreed that it was a good idea. Then, I let it slip away. 

One Monday, we were practicing on a Zoom call with a meteorologist talking about climate and the politics behind how it’s being reported. The producer could not get the connection to work. 

“Let’s try this again tomorrow and figure out what the problem is,” he finally said. 

I’ve been forgetting to pray with everyone before practices, I thought later that evening. I was determined to remember it the next day. It’s embarrassing to admit that I forgot again. As usual, greeting fellow hosts and talking about the show led to my memory lapse.

When our guest called in, again there were technical difficulties that made communication impossible. The producer worked trying to figure out what the problem was.That’s when it hit me, We had not prayed!

I whispered to the other hosts, “Let’s pray!” I made the sign of the cross. Everyone bowed their head and prayed silently. Within seconds the connection suddenly worked perfectly.

“What was the problem,” someone asked?

“I have no idea, but it’s working now,” the producer answered.

I’m convinced it was spiritual warfare and that prayer made the difference. Our show will cover politics, science, health and wellness, faith and more.  None of us ever aspired to work in broadcasting and were all invited with two of us as lead hosts and the others rotating in so there will always be a group of 4. We said yes because we care about the values and stories getting censored in the mainstream media. 

So as we prepare to air throughout all of North Dakota, Western Minnesota and on the Internet, we will be praying for guidance and protection and welcome any prayers for that intention. We will be praying for our audience also.  

For channels and programing, go here. Our programs will also be archived on the BEK News website.


For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series. 

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