Surely, no human being suffered more during the passion and death of Jesus Christ, or then rejoiced more at the resurrection than did the Blessed Mother. If we ask, she can help us to get closer to her Son in a special way during Holy Week and Easter. 
Beginning during Holy Week, we can ask Our Lady to walk with us as we follow Jesus to the cross.

The Blessed Mother provides divine symmetry; God went through her to get closer to us and we can go through her to get closer to him. Yes, “there is (one) mediator between God and Man, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). But as the first public miracle of Jesus shows, he responds to his mother’s requests. She likewise responds to our requests.  

  • Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary. The rosary is powerful and the Blessed Mother in many of her Church approved apparitions, she has asked us to pray it daily. There are 15 promises of the rosary that the Blessed Mother gave to St. Dominic. It walks us through the Gospels and according to St. Padre Pio, is “the weapon.”
  • Pray The Seven Sorrows Devotion that was passed on by St. Bridget. It grants seven graces to those who meditate on the tears and sorrows of the Blessed Mother. 
  • Pray the Stations of the Cross, contemplating it through the eyes of the Blessed Mother and asking her to be with you as you pray at each station.

Easter Through Mary
And then, thankfully, there is Easter. Our own rejoicing at the resurrection of Jesus is not even a shadow of what Mary must have experienced. Scripture does not speak of the moment when Jesus appeared to his mother after the resurrection.  It must have been beyond all telling.
Just as we can have Mary accompany us through Jesus’ passion and death, we can ask her to celebrate the resurrection. Imagine the encounter of Mary with her Son who was both God and man, knowing that he had resurrected, never more to die.  What must Mary have experienced when Jesus came to her in his glorified body having just opened up the gates of heaven?
As we exult in the Resurrection, let us also get swept up into the Blessed Mother’s rejoicing, asking her to deepen our love and joy over her Son’s triumph over sin and death.
  • It would be especially fitting to pray the Glorious mysteries of the rosary on Easter Sunday. 
  • Put an Easter Lily next to your statue or picture of the Blessed Mother. It is the traditional flower of Easter. The snow-white lily is regarded as a joyful symbol of elegance, beauty, spirituality, hope, and life, retelling the resurrection story with its life cycle.
  • While preparing Easter baskets or gifts for children, consider items such as Our Lady’s Wardrobe, a rhyming book full of beautiful pictures, which introduces children to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Ask the Blessed Mother to help you prepare and to be present during all your Easter celebrations. She always makes everything better and holier.
Illustration from Our Lady’s Wardrobe

Holy Week/Easter Prayer 
Dear Blessed Mother, I am sorry for my part in the agony of your Son, Jesus and for adding to your tears. What must it have been like for you, Blessed Mother, to watch your beaten and bruised Son, drag his cross to Calvary and then to be nailed upon it?  You were the perfect mother with the perfect Son, yet, you had to watch unimaginable horrors inflicted upon him by the very people he came to save. 
Thank you for everything you have done for us, Blessed Mother, from bearing Jesus and accepting your suffering, to your beautiful devotions.  Please protect us under your mantle and draw us closer to Jesus, uniting our sufferings in this life to his.  
Be with us, to rejoice and be thankful for the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, drawing us ever closer to him, so that we will be transformed today and always. 
Immaculate Heart of Jesus, Pray for us!

For more inspiration check out Patti’s latest bookHoly Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to HeavenOther books include:  Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday Families and the best-selling Amazing Grace Series. 
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