Dear Atheist,
There’s nothing like a good magic
show, huh?  Harry Houdini, the all-time great illusionist, knew this.  David
Copperfield is right behind him in the theater of trickery as the highest paid magician
in all of history. What you see is not always what you get, right?  But what you
fail to see with religion is that what you get is not only what you see.

I came across your blog, Common Sense Atheism in which you said that
believers in religion really just believe in magic.  Oh, wait. 
I was going to skip over the name of your blog, but I can’t.  Common
?  Aside from the fact that you
admit the majority of people don’t agree with your belief— which makes it the
very opposite of “common” — you think that the universe and every
mind-boggling thing in it just happens to exist, but a creator cannot exist—so
there goes the “sense” too. 
But let’s not get bogged down in
a few glaring ironies. I want to explain something else here: magic is not religion.  You call people with faith in God, the
“magical thinking community.”  That is so silly coming from someone who thinks
the world made itself with a bit of good timing, convenient materials from out
of thin air, and overcoming infinitely insurmountable odds.
It’s About Relationship
Instead of all the talk of magic
and who did or didn’t make all of existence, let me tell you something
about religion that you don’t understand.  Religion is about a relationship with God. Christianity personalizes that relationship with God through Jesus Christ, both God and man,
the second member of the Holy Trinity– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Oh, stop laughing at something you have not
explored but handily reject.
Art by  

You don’t know Jesus because you
are intent on denying him.  If you would spend
as much time researching the history that supports Jesus Christ as you do
making fun of him, perhaps your cold, walled-off heart might get a glimpse of
the Divine.  There is well-established
testimony that after his
, on Easter Sunday, Jesus’ tomb was found empty by some of
his women followers.  Given the
patriarchal Jewish culture of the time, if a story was going to be made up,
it’s extremely unlikely that women would have been the ones to discover the
empty tomb and for the men to doubt the reality.
It is also widely acknowledged by
scholars that there were many historical eyewitness accounts to Jesus
appearances after his resurrection.   And the apostles and disciples who knew Jesus, later accepted martyrdom
rather than deny him. Earlier in the Gospels, they had not a clue what was to
come and everyone but St. John the Apostle ran away at the crucifixion. If men
who were cowards in the face of the soldiers, later suffered death for claiming
Jesus rose from the dead, what are the odds that it was a lie? Use your common
Science is Our Friend
You love science and say it
trumps religion. Catholics say science supports religion.  In spite of rumors, gossip, and lies,  nothing in science is contrary to religion
and much of religion is supported by science. 
If, instead of bashing every declared miracle, you took a closer look,
perhaps you would see that some things cannot be explained by science.  
The Shroud of Turin, the Miracle
of Fatima, the tilma with the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the many miracles
of the Eucharist, and the intensely investigated miracles required to declare
sainthood, are but a fraction of the evidence that leads to God.  I suggest you investigate these things with a
quest for truth in order to weed through those determined to block it. Or deny
it. Or fear it. Like you.
Magic and Catholics
Ironically, in spite of your
accusation of magic, Catholics are forbidden to even dabble in real magic,
which is considered occult.  In the
article,  What
is the Difference Between Magic and Religion?
 Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea, an exorcist, writer,  and parish priest, separates the magic of
illusionary entertainment with the dark magic of the occult. Although
throughout history and in some cultures, magic and religion were sometimes
mixed in with one another, there is a clear difference.
“Religion is obedience (to God);
magic seeks power (over forces or beings),” he wrote. “Religion requires faith
and worship; magic seeks control (over forces or beings). Religion requires us
to change our lives; magic wants to change others through manipulation.” Fr.
Fortuna explained that in religion, we adore God rather than as in the case of
witches and sorcerers, seek to harness supernatural forces. Ultimately,
religion is about a relationship with God, Fr. Fortuna said. “This
relationship sanctifies us and keeps our minds and hearts focused on heaven.”
The Catholic goal is a deepening
love of God and strengthening our relationship with him. It is a relationship that
you lack so instead you mock it and claim we believe in magic.  
We believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful
God as the Creator of everything. You do not. 
Instead, you believe that mindless nature stumbled into incalculable
chance connections  under a coincidental
atmosphere that made for the luckily perfect planet to PRESTO create and
sustain all life.  And Earth’s orbit?
Voila!  Perfect again for no reason. 
So, who is it that believes in

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