When Rhoda Wise died on July 7 in 1948, more
than 14,000 people attended her funeral at St. Peter’s Church in Canton, Ohio.
That’s equivalent to the population of an entire town!
I first heard about her only a few years ago when I read in Raymond
Arroyo’s biography
on Mother Angelica
that Mother was one of many people healed after visiting

Arroyo explained that Mother Angelica, Founder of
EWTN, who was known as Rita Rizzo then,
was brought by her mother to see Rhoda in January of 1943.  Rita was 19 at the
time and suffered from a chronic condition known as “dropped” stomach.  Her
stomach was dropped into the abdominal cavity, causing
intense pain and digestive disturbances.
During their visit, Rhoda gave Rita a novena (9 days of prayer) to St
Therese the “Little Flower” to recite, asking St. Therese to pray for her.  On the last day of the novena, Rita woke up in
the middle of the night with sharp pains in her stomach.
In the morning, Rita realized that the pain was gone.  She was cured!  The bluish color around her waist and the
bulging lump on her lower abdomen were completely and permanently gone!
Rhoda is 2nd from right, next to Rita Rizzo, far right
Now that I know more about Rhoda,
I’m astonished that it took me so long to hear about this amazing woman
surrounded by so many miracles.  According
to a spokesperson at the
Rhoda Wise shrine, a preliminary investigation has
been completed and her cause for canonization is expected to open this October.
Beginnings and Much Suffering
Rhoda was born in 1888, the sixth of eight children from a working
class, Protestant family.  She became a
widow at the age of 28 after only 6 months of marriage when her husband died of
a cerebral hemorrhage.   Rhoda married George Wise on January 27, 1917
and they soon adopted a baby girl. The baby sadly died during the Spanish flu
epidemic, just before her first birthday. 
Then, in 1922, George and Rhoda adopted their only other child, daughter
Anna Mae.  
Although Rhoda loved George, his problems with alcohol led to many
struggles in their marriage.  She had a hard
life in many ways including physical sufferings. 
Rhoda developed a 39 pound ovarian cyst and in 1931. Complications from surgery
to remove it led to severe infections and adhesions and necessitated other
surgeries. She could not sleep or even move much, but she prayed with the Mercy
sisters at the Mercy Medical Center who taught her the rosary.  Rhoda grew especially close to Sr. Clement
who told her about St. Theresa, the “Little Flower.”  They prayed a novena to St. Theresa together
every night.  Through the influence of
the sisters, Rhoda would eventually became Catholic on January 1, 1939.
Five years after the cyst was removed, Rhoda had accidentally stepped into
a sewer drain causing a chain of severe problems with her right leg from
infection to surgeries and ultimately confining Rhoda to bed with a cast.  Problems with her abdomen also continued to
worsen.   Shortly after being received into the Church, Rhoda
had her last abdominal surgery. By that time, there was so much scarring that the
surgeon could not close her abdomen properly, leaving an open hole.  It drained constantly and her bowels
 When it seemed there was nothing more that could be done to help her, Rhoda was sent home to die.

Rhoda’s Diary
Throughout her months in the hospital, Rhoda prayed a novena to St. Theresa
every evening with Sister Clement. Of her suffering, Rhoda wrote in her diary:
“They say suffering and trouble only bring us nearer to God and I know I am
close to Him, but I want to be closer still.”
When a woman was screaming down the hall our of fear of death, Rhoda wrote:
Why does one fear death so much -unless they have not lived right and served
Him must be the reason. I don’t seem to be afraid because when we think of all
He promises us over there and we are living close to Him as we can, there is
nothing to fear.
By March of 1939, Rhoda’s suffering grew even more intense. In her diary,
she wrote that she did not know it was possible to suffer so much.  She often asked God to heal or take her soon
but either way, accepted his will.  She
wrote: “ My stomach is so raw from that irritation. I don’t know what to do.
God, how much longer must I suffer like this? Little Flower, why won’t you hear
me? I cannot pray any harder than I am. Please hear me….Jesus, I am praying so
hard for you to make me well, and if that is not to be, let me die at once.”
On May 28, 1939, after she had been sent home to die, Rhoda wrote in her
diary of a mystical experience during the early morning hours. Jesus had
appeared in her room in a chair by the altar George had built for her.  He (Jesus) was gloriously beautiful. I never
saw a picture as beautiful as He is. His robe was beautiful. It was gold with
every color in it. I just wanted to touch it and see what it was like. I could
see the marks on his forehead where the Crown of Thorns had pierced His brow.
Just as I tried to touch His robe He said He would return in thirty-one days….
Rhoda said she was certain it was no dream. “Have
you come for me?” she had asked him.  He answered,No, your time has not come yet.” He told her that he would return in
thirty-one days.
On June 28, 1939, Rhoda wrote in
her diary that she saw Jesus again.  While I looked at Him, He said, “Here I am as I said.”  St. Therese
, the Little Flower, was right by Him. She
came to my bedside.
St. Therese put her hand on Rhoda’s stomach and
she was completely healed. Jesus told Rhoda he would come again.
The cast on Rhoda’s foot was to be on until November 10 and then she would
be fitted with a brace. Instead, on August 15, 1939 on the Feast of the
Assumption on the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Theresa came and told her to stand
up and walk. I stood right on my feet and the cast broke and
I stepped right out of it,”
wrote in her diary.
 Rhoda joyously repeated her story
over and over again to everyone who asked. She wrote: Everyone around me
says they will never doubt God again. I never have. I knew He would do what He
thought best. He did, and I will devote my whole life to working for Him in any
way He wants to use me.”

Crowds outside witnessed light during one apparition

What Rhoda referred to as the greatest miracle,
occurred later in that same month of August. 
Her husband George quit drinking “cold turkey” after seeing Jesus
himself.  He had gone to bed and everywhere
he looked, Jesus was there.  Jesus said
nothing and in George’s words, “He didn’t have to.”
 Crown of Thorns and Stigmata
On Good Friday, April 3, 1942 marks like from a crown of thorns appeared
and bled on Rhoda’s forehead for the first time. . Every first Friday of the
month afterwards, the marks appeared from 12:00 noon to 3:00pm. Blood also came
forth from her eyes.
Jesus appeared to her in a vision on June 2, 1942 and told her: “To save souls, one must suffer.”  It was clear that Rhoda was chosen to be a
victim soul—to suffer for the sake of souls.  On the first Friday of November, the
stigmata—the wounds of Christ–appeared on her feet.  Then in 1944, the stigmata also appeared in
her hands.
As word of the miracles spread, many people
began to flock to her home and there were many more healings even after her
Rhoda’s life on earth ended on July 7, 1948 from malignant hypertension at the age of 60.
 “This place is to be a Shrine”
On April 3, 1940, Jesus had told Rhoda: “…This place is to be a Shrine and cures more
wonderful than your own will take place on this spot.”
After her mother’s death, Anna Mae continued to keep the house open for pilgrims until
her own death in 1995.  She bequeathed
the home to Mother Angelica and Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and it
became the property of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, which Mother Angelica
founded. The monastery eventually returned it after a non-profit corporation was set up to create a shrine out of Rhoda’s home. 
The Rhoda Wise House at 2337 25th St. NE, Canton, Ohio is open daily to
visitors. Graces and favors are being reported. 
For more information on Rhoda Wise, visit the official website at RhodaWise.comHer Name Means Rose –The Rhoda Wise Stor” by Karen Sigler S.F.O. available by clicking hereHere is a Fox
8 news report
 For a more detailed article go to: Mystics of the
Novena to
Jesus Through St Therese that Rhoda and Sr. Clement Prayed
O beautiful Rose of Carmel, Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus, deign
according to your promise to descend from Heaven to visit those who implore
you. Pour down upon us in profusion those Celestial Graces that are symbolized
by the shower of roses that Jesus, your Spouse, had put at your disposal.

Your power is great with his Heart. He can only listen and hear your
prayer. I have recourse to you then, O Saint Therese of the Child Jesus; assist
me in this need.  Speak for me to Jesus
and to Mary and obtain for me the grace to live a holy life and die a happy death.

For more inspiration, follow Patti at Twitter and Pinterest, like her pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families,  Catholic News & Inspiration on Facebook, and her author Facebook page.  Sign up at the right column to receive articles in your inbox.  God bless you!

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