The Miracle of Theresa Rose

The Miracle of Theresa Rose

“She’s alive!” the doctor announced, his voice filled  with the same relief that Kathryn Rossi felt. But no first  cry echoed through the delivery room. “I need a breathing  tube!” the doctor shouted. As her baby disappeared behind a wall of doctors and  nurses, Kathryn and her husband, Robert, clasped hands.  Please, the couple prayed, our…

The Smallest Stone

The Smallest Stone

In my article, Skip Those Red Buckets, I warned of the Salvation Army’s promotion of abortion for babies expected to have a short lifespan outside the womb. The story below is about the very short life of Aaron Schreiner.  It was originally published in Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart.  Aaron lived for only an hour,…

“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

                                                  Mo and Alan with Victor          Thirteen years ago, Mo Bergman rejected a doctor’s suggestion to abort her baby because of physical abnormalities. Instead, she turned to God and the situation changed dramatically.  She is turning to God again and asking for healing for her son.  Here is her story excerpted from Amazing Grace for…

The Strength to Trust Again, by Madonna Silvernagel

The Strength to Trust Again, by Madonna Silvernagel

     Madonna (Richter) Silvernagel had suffered a parent’s worse fear, not once, but twice—the death of two beloved baby daughters.  She could not have known that she herself would die young, but her legacy lives on in a powerful way. Her daughters, now married with families of their own, give thanks that their mother did…