Wanted: Father

Wanted: Father

                                                               Job Description  Long term (as in lifetime) position in challenging and ever-changing work environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills and be willing to…

Help Wanted: Mom

Help Wanted: Mom

        Qualifications:  Candidates must posses the desire to love unconditionally.  Little or no training is required but willingness to learn on the job is a must. The initiation period is little or nonexistent, depending on the support staff you have in your extended family. You must have the ability to be aware…

Optimistic Antidotes

Optimistic Antidotes

Warning:  Motherhood lends itself to pessimism.  Once the euphoria of holding your precious newborn bundle evaporates, you will find infinite reasons to fret and complain.   “She never sleeps.  It seems like she wants to eat every hour,” can give way to: “Her room is always such a mess,” and “How many times does she…