Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

  Abortion advocates have shown us their hand. They are even more heartless than we imagined.  Their commitment to end the lives of babies was made clear when New York legalized abortions right up to birth, Vermont and Rhode Island also passed radical abortion and infanticide laws, and other states are attempting to do the same. 

12 Things to Know about Pro-abortion Activists

12 Things to Know about Pro-abortion Activists

How could they?  Looking at the undercover videos exposing the horrifying reality of all that comes with abortion, it’s a burning question.  How  could human beings callously kill and cut up babies; some with hearts still beating?  Our beliefs may be polar opposites, but our prayers can be fueled with compassion if we understand why…

Letter to Senators Loyal to Planned Parenthood

Letter to Senators Loyal to Planned Parenthood

Dear U.S. Senators,  If you support Planned Parenthood, then you have immersed yourself in lies to support the #1 baby killer in this country—330,000 babies on average killed annually.  Honesty is not an option for you because even liberal voters might flinch if you admitted the truth: I don’t care that babies are killed in…