Show the Devil Didn’t Want You to See

Show the Devil Didn’t Want You to See

     “My computer crashed this morning—I’ve never had that happened— so can we reschedule?” Dr Richard Gallagher, the world’s leading psychiatric consultant on demonic activity and author of Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal was scheduled to be a guest on my TV talk show that day…

Haunted Tourism Can Leave You With Unwanted Souvenirs

Haunted Tourism Can Leave You With Unwanted Souvenirs

          Haunted tourism is an adventure that sometimes brings lingering, unwanted souvenirs.   People are fascinated by the supernatural which includes both heaven and hell. While some people set their itineraries on pilgrimages to holy lands and heavenly apparition sites, others prefer hair-raising haunted destinations.