St. Faustina’s Prayer to Take Away Worries About the Past and Future

St. Faustina’s Prayer to Take Away Worries About the Past and Future

Who among us has not worried about the future or been burdened with regrets? It was a surprise when I recently began to re-read the Divine Mercy in my Soul Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalski to discover that the second entry in her notebook is a prayer to calm those fears for what may come tomorrow and…

Weapons for Our Time: Divine Mercy and The Blessed Mother

Weapons for Our Time: Divine Mercy and The Blessed Mother

For such a time as this, we have all we need. God has actually increased our spiritual riches during the last century through the messages of Fatima and the Divine Mercy devotion. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, the director of the Association of Marian Helpers, and Tony Mullen, founder of, will explain how we can tap…

Advice from Exorcists on How to Protect Yourself

Advice from Exorcists on How to Protect Yourself

The old adage: An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure, is especially true in the spiritual realm.  The exorcism and deliverance ministry usually addresses problems arising from a lack of spiritual protection or someone purposely opening the door to evil. Fr. Patrick (not his real name) a parish priest who has been…

Brock Turner’s Parents Should Seek Mercy From the Eternal Judge

Brock Turner’s Parents Should Seek Mercy From the Eternal Judge

 Trying to save a son from the consequences of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster is not acceptable. Brock Turner’s parents pleaded to the judge for mercy after a jury convicted their son of 3 felony counts of sexual assault. Any loving parent wants mercy for their child just as we all want it…

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Killing began long before terrorism and abortion, so it’s easy to separate the two as having nothing to do with one another.  But in conversation,  if you link abortion to the rise in terrorism, most pro-life Christians will nod and say: Of course.  Associating terrorism with abortion is not something done in polite company, or…

A Divine Mercy Miracle by Dr. Bryan Thatcher

A Divine Mercy Miracle by Dr. Bryan Thatcher

This powerful story of Divine Mercy is from the book, Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart       I watched as many poor people walked about in tattered clothing; visiting, eating tacos…and smiling.  “What do they have to be so happy about?”  I wondered.  I was attending a medical conference in Mexico City in 1991 and…

Is Sin Obsolete?

Is Sin Obsolete?

Is it possible to have more sin in the world but less people sinning?         Some say that our world is more sinful than ever before—more adultery, abortion, situational ethics, etc.  Yet, if committing a sin requires a person to know it is a sin and choose to commit it anyways, doesn’t that…