Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Killing began long before terrorism and abortion, so it’s easy to separate the two as having nothing to do with one another.  But in conversation,  if you link abortion to the rise in terrorism, most pro-life Christians will nod and say: Of course.  Associating terrorism with abortion is not something done in polite company, or…

Father Calloway: Our Lady of Fatima’s Remedy for Our Times

Father Calloway: Our Lady of Fatima’s Remedy for Our Times

“I expect to be imprisoned during my priesthood.”  I hear it over and over these days from priests and seminarians.  No doubt you have too. The state-driven persecution has arrived, fueled by the Supreme Court’s annihilation of civilization’s primary institution of marriage.  Their 5-4 decision on June 26, legalizing same-sex “marriages” nullified the role of…