The Miracle of Theresa Rose

The Miracle of Theresa Rose

“She’s alive!” the doctor announced, his voice filled  with the same relief that Kathryn Rossi felt. But no first  cry echoed through the delivery room. “I need a breathing  tube!” the doctor shouted. As her baby disappeared behind a wall of doctors and  nurses, Kathryn and her husband, Robert, clasped hands.  Please, the couple prayed, our…

Father Peter Mary Rookey and his Miracle Prayer

Father Peter Mary Rookey and his Miracle Prayer

Every now and then I learn about something and wonder: Why didn’t I know about this before?  Father Peter Mary Rookey falls into that category.  I learned about him after coming across the “Miracle Prayer,” written and promoted by him while he was alive. Although we cannot assume anyone is in heaven unless they are canonized a saint,…

12 Christian Suggestions for Kathy Griffin

12 Christian Suggestions for Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-styled photo holding a mock decapitated head of the President of the United States met with repulsion and outrage. When she was chastised from all sides, she apologized, but 3 days later took the offensive at a press conference claiming she’s the victim of bullying from the Trump family. Rather than leave the wound…

ACLU Honors Catholic Hospitals

ACLU Honors Catholic Hospitals

 I’m very proud of the honor our Catholic hospitals received last month. Given that the culture of death is so aggressively pushing forward these days, I’m taking last month’s American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) angry report against Catholic hospitals: “Health Care Denied,” as an honor.  The ACLU is enraged that Catholic Hospitals are so good…

“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

“Two Gifts: A Baby and a Miracle” by Maureen Merritt Bergman

                                                  Mo and Alan with Victor          Thirteen years ago, Mo Bergman rejected a doctor’s suggestion to abort her baby because of physical abnormalities. Instead, she turned to God and the situation changed dramatically.  She is turning to God again and asking for healing for her son.  Here is her story excerpted from Amazing Grace for…

Gambling with Love

Gambling with Love

“Father, I’m ready to throw in the towel,” Brad stated. “How long am I suppose to take this?” –– A story that shows the power of  prayer to renew marriage. Shuffling through the mail, Brad Kremmer pulled out several envelopes from credit card companies and ripped them open.  His muscles tightened as he skimmed over…