Lies for Dummies

Lies for Dummies

“These will pay for your kid’s college education,” –Beanie Baby investors.   A pile of beans sewn into animal-shaped fabric lacked long-term value once people started noticing the emperor had no clothes or rather, the beanies had no worth. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). “You can have it…

A Divine Mercy Miracle by Dr. Bryan Thatcher

A Divine Mercy Miracle by Dr. Bryan Thatcher

This powerful story of Divine Mercy is from the book, Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart       I watched as many poor people walked about in tattered clothing; visiting, eating tacos…and smiling.  “What do they have to be so happy about?”  I wondered.  I was attending a medical conference in Mexico City in 1991 and…

Is Sin Obsolete?

Is Sin Obsolete?

Is it possible to have more sin in the world but less people sinning?         Some say that our world is more sinful than ever before—more adultery, abortion, situational ethics, etc.  Yet, if committing a sin requires a person to know it is a sin and choose to commit it anyways, doesn’t that…