Fr. Pacwa, Fr. Calloway,  Fr. Riccardo Share Easy Ways to Grow in Holiness

Fr. Pacwa, Fr. Calloway, Fr. Riccardo Share Easy Ways to Grow in Holiness

              Increase your capacity for holiness through a closer walk with Jesus. Lent is the perfect time to take this walk with easy, fun, holy ideas to live thoughtfully and deepen your faith. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Donald Calloway, and Fr. John Riccardo shared their holy habits in Holy Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your…

Faith Beyond Alzheimers -A Holy Week Story by Rosemary Kadrmas

Faith Beyond Alzheimers -A Holy Week Story by Rosemary Kadrmas

This story was originally submitted for Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart by Rosemary Kadrmas, mother for Fr. Chris Kadrmas.  It is a story of faith everlasting and a reminder of the dignity of all human life.      In the late 1990’s I worked in the activities department at a local nursing home where we often…

Detox Your Soul This Lent

Detox Your Soul This Lent

Toxins are poisons that can cause disease if absorbed into our bodies.  In the spiritual world, the poison of evil has been absorbed by our culture. Christians are hunkering down for the spiritual battle that is intensifying and sometimes, are feeling overwhelmed.  I know the feeling.  But three things have lifted my spirit recently and have…