Gambling with Love

Gambling with Love

“Father, I’m ready to throw in the towel,” Brad stated. “How long am I suppose to take this?” –– A story that shows the power of  prayer to renew marriage. Shuffling through the mail, Brad Kremmer pulled out several envelopes from credit card companies and ripped them open.  His muscles tightened as he skimmed over…

Family Inspiration x 2

Family Inspiration x 2

     Happy Spring! I am writing to share my exciting  news that  I have 2 books released this spring.  Both were written to entertain readers with engaging stories that inspire.             When I just wrote for secular publications, I thought religion was boring, My goal now, whether writing fiction or non-fiction,…

Growing Love

Growing Love

How can you bring love to others?      How about puppies?  My kids and I bring puppies to a nursing home every week.  A local pet store lets us pick out two to bring around. It’s a day brightener for everyone: staff, residents and us too!      I used to bring our two larger…

Help Wanted: Mom

Help Wanted: Mom

        Qualifications:  Candidates must posses the desire to love unconditionally.  Little or no training is required but willingness to learn on the job is a must. The initiation period is little or nonexistent, depending on the support staff you have in your extended family. You must have the ability to be aware…

Rock the World!

Rock the World!

Do you want to rock the world?  Like St. Francis who moved spiritual mountains and Mother Teresa who moved heaven and earth to serve the poor, we can change the world. We would not be here if God did not plan for just that. He put us here to make a difference in every walk…