A Miraculous Healing

A Miraculous Healing

Fr. Basil Atwell An incurable eye disease intruded on 16-year-old Johnny Atwell’s life almost overnight.  In October of 1974, the Glendive, Montana teen faced inevitable blindness. Johnny did not plead with God for a cure, however. Instead, he demanded one. God seemed not to be listening, but then something amazing happened.

Epic Wait During Winter Storm

Epic Wait During Winter Storm

Fr. Thomas Grafsgaard of Dickinson (L) concelebrates Mass On the Pennsylvania Turnpike, stranded behind miles of traffic, the students, teachers, and chaperone’s from the Bismarck diocese’s Catholic schools did what Catholics do when they get stranded in historical blizzards—pray. And in this case, while stuck in the eye of Winter Storm Jonas, they also sang…

The Pro-choice Revenge

The Pro-choice Revenge

Snow covered early in week      Abortion supporters have vowed revenge against North Dakota legislators for making it the most pro-life state in the nation.  They have promised a legal battle against the new laws and are threatening lawmakers with voting them out of office.       To be sure legislators get the message…