Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

Pro-life Response to Aggressive Abortion Moves

  Abortion advocates have shown us their hand. They are even more heartless than we imagined.  Their commitment to end the lives of babies was made clear when New York legalized abortions right up to birth, Vermont and Rhode Island also passed radical abortion and infanticide laws, and other states are attempting to do the same. 

May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

               Please take notice! Our country officially stands out as one of only seven countries in the world that permits the killing of a viable, pain-sensitive child in the womb after 20 weeks. We stand with China, North Korea, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Vietnam. In France, Italy, and Germany,…

The Pro-choice Revenge

The Pro-choice Revenge

Snow covered early in week      Abortion supporters have vowed revenge against North Dakota legislators for making it the most pro-life state in the nation.  They have promised a legal battle against the new laws and are threatening lawmakers with voting them out of office.       To be sure legislators get the message…

Crashing an Abortion Rally: A Small Prayer Group Ventures into Enemy Territory

Crashing an Abortion Rally: A Small Prayer Group Ventures into Enemy Territory

     The day before ND’s historical victory for life, our little prayer group ventured into an emotional pro-abortion rally.       “Let’s get together today at 2:00 PM  to pray and balance the offensive that will occur  at 2:30 at the capitol.” my friend Isabel texted me.  I decided that praying for the unborn…