Government Now Entering Our Churches

Government Now Entering Our Churches

              The high sounding word “tolerance” has become a ruse for coercion of liberal agendas.  The “wall of separation,” so often distorted from Thomas Jefferson’s intent to point out the need to prevent government from meddling in religion, is crumbling.        Despite pediatricians identifying youth transgenderism as “child…

Note to Woman Planning Ordination as Catholic Priest: Talk to St. Teresa of Kolkata

Note to Woman Planning Ordination as Catholic Priest: Talk to St. Teresa of Kolkata

Dear Mary Alice, I saw the article about you titled “San Rafael woman to break canon law to be ordained Catholic priest.”   You may have been a great nurse for 35 years, and enjoyed watching the (heretical) movie Pink Smoke Over the Vatican, but those are not qualifications for the priesthood.  For starters, a Y…

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Killing began long before terrorism and abortion, so it’s easy to separate the two as having nothing to do with one another.  But in conversation,  if you link abortion to the rise in terrorism, most pro-life Christians will nod and say: Of course.  Associating terrorism with abortion is not something done in polite company, or…

Protestors at Charlotte Catholic High Misunderstand True Love

Protestors at Charlotte Catholic High Misunderstand True Love

What are you thinking, rebellious Catholics?  Do you imagine you love more than those who follow Church teaching?  Enabling isn’t love. Giving mortal sin a pass isn’t love.  Seeking to make everyone happy rather than holding to truth is not love.   Love hurts sometimes.  It hurts when friends and family get angry with us because…

The Pope’s Witness to a Transfiguration

The Pope’s Witness to a Transfiguration

“The transfiguration did not change anything, it revealed what was already there,” our pastor, Msgr. Tom Richter stated during his Sunday homily.  The story of Christ’s transfiguration had been the Gospel reading.  Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus transfigured in magnificent light and glory on Mount Tabor.   Msgr. Richter then proceeded to speak of another transfiguration that…