Threat of  Biden According to Archbishop Sheen

Threat of Biden According to Archbishop Sheen

         The threat against religious  liberty that Joe Biden brings to  his run for the Whitehouse was  addressed by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen in 1947 in his  book, Characters of  the  Passion.            For all the accusations that Christian and Catholic teaching is dangerous to our free society, Sheen pointed out that the reality is quite…

Where Politics and Science Collide

Where Politics and Science Collide

Politics and science are often at odds, according to Mike Maguire, an atmospheric scientist for 38 years and occasional guest as the “Catholic Meteorologist” on Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani Show.  He writes here as a guest blogger, expressing his perspective that politics has been trying to redefine science in the areas of climate and life. 

“No One Should be Surprised That Infanticide is Now on the Table”    by Cole McKeown

“No One Should be Surprised That Infanticide is Now on the Table” by Cole McKeown

                 Democrats voted down the born-alive bill that would have given legal protection for infants that survive an abortion attempt.  While pro-life advocates are enraged, Democrats claim there has been no real change in actual practice with the defeat of this bill. And they are right. Their decline in the…

Planned Parenthood Preaches Against Violence.                                   Give me a Break!

Planned Parenthood Preaches Against Violence. Give me a Break!

  “Any country that accepts abortion. is not teaching its people to love but to use any violence to get what it wants.” -St. Teresa of Calcutta Violence is an interesting word when used by Planned Parenthood. You’d think it would not be on their list of approved words for messaging along with: safety, human…

How Can Anyone be Surprised Church is Prolife?

How Can Anyone be Surprised Church is Prolife?

 Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer at Salon and a self-proclaimed Catholic who walked out of Mass last month because the priest was prolife. “The fight for abortion means finding a new place in my faith,” she wrote.   Her July 29 article “I Don’t Know How to be Catholic Anymore,” was intended to grandstand against the…

Letter to Georgetown President: You Have Been Entrusted with Much

Letter to Georgetown President: You Have Been Entrusted with Much

By writing to the Georgetown president who publicly honored a rabid pro-abortion US senator and also by praying for him, I desire to perform a spiritual work of mercy. I encourage everyone to be bold, be prayerful, and to love much—both God and neighbor—as you shine your Catholic light before all.  

May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

May Pro-abortion Senators Out of Touch with Americans Never Win Another Election!

               Please take notice! Our country officially stands out as one of only seven countries in the world that permits the killing of a viable, pain-sensitive child in the womb after 20 weeks. We stand with China, North Korea, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Vietnam. In France, Italy, and Germany,…