Dear Bill Nye: Stop Promoting Abortion with Fake Science!

Dear Bill Nye: Stop Promoting Abortion with Fake Science!

Dear Bill, I watched your YouTube video Bill Nye: Can We Stop Telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?  I see the bow tie is still there and noticed that your human cells, begun at conception, have advanced into old age. Retirement is not serving you well, however. Rather than bowing out as the energizer…

Media Scarce for “Walks for Life” but Cover Pro-abortion “Black Monday”

Media Scarce for “Walks for Life” but Cover Pro-abortion “Black Monday”

The secular media’s enthusiasm for Poland’s pro-abortion protest on October 2,  after years of ignoring the much bigger March for Life in Washington, DC, is ironic.  Every year at the March for Life in D.C.  secular reporting is hard to find despite all the markings of a big news story—a big demonstration drawing hundreds of…

“Born This Way” Reality Show Already Reducing Down Syndrome Abortions

“Born This Way” Reality Show Already Reducing Down Syndrome Abortions

If people with Down syndrome are especially loveable, then why do so many mothers chose abortion when they discover it in their unborn baby?  Fear.  That is the main reason.  Rather than trust God and open themselves up to a new world, they tragically miss out on the gift he had for them.

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Is ISIS a Spiritual Consequence of Abortion?

Killing began long before terrorism and abortion, so it’s easy to separate the two as having nothing to do with one another.  But in conversation,  if you link abortion to the rise in terrorism, most pro-life Christians will nod and say: Of course.  Associating terrorism with abortion is not something done in polite company, or…

Bishop Sheen’s Words Define Argentina’s Protest as Diabolical

Bishop Sheen’s Words Define Argentina’s Protest as Diabolical

 The fury of hell was unleashed in Argentina, October 12 outside of the Cathedral of Mar de Plata in connection with their annual March for Women.  According to LifeSite, an angry mob of pro-abortion anti-Catholic women–many topless–violently assaulted a group of men that prayed outside of the Cathedral to counter the protest.    The protest demonstrated the…