The Smallest Stone

The Smallest Stone

In my article, Skip Those Red Buckets, I warned of the Salvation Army’s promotion of abortion for babies expected to have a short lifespan outside the womb. The story below is about the very short life of Aaron Schreiner.  It was originally published in Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart.  Aaron lived for only an hour,…

Just Before Election, Dirty Tactics Against Life

Just Before Election, Dirty Tactics Against Life

Woman mocking Church at rally Fighting against a prolife ballot measure in North Dakota, Planned Parenthood and cronies are exercising their free choice to use dirty tactics.  This week has been especially blatant.  They don’t even have an office in North Dakota but they have poured $1.5 million (96% of total donations) to fund the opposition North…

Contraception Tweet-lash

Contraception Tweet-lash

I recently posted a prolife, anti-contraception tweet that leaked onto the screens of people who insist on separating sex from procreation.   One person commented that I was “50 cards short of a full deck” for my tweet that said:  “Abortion is backup for contraception. Until we get rid of contraception, we won’t get rid of…

Vending Machine Morality

Vending Machine Morality

When a former college president shared that he had installed vending machines with condoms in the girls’ dorms, my face must have betrayed disapproval.  After a pregnant pause, (sorry, couldn’t resist) he further explained, “The girls asked me to do it because they wanted to be responsible.” I was my husband’s date at a banquet…