Printer That Inadvertently Sent “Battle Ready” Brochures to Same-Sex Couple Being Sued

Printer That Inadvertently Sent “Battle Ready” Brochures to Same-Sex Couple Being Sued

Was it a mix up or an attack? Rather than the wedding brochures they expected, a same-sex couple received 80 brochures reported to be from Battle Ready that spoke of sin, lust and temptation.  The Australian couple filed a lawsuit in United States District Court in Massachusetts against the printer, Vistaprint.

Bishop Paprocki: Protect Yourself in Enemy Territory

Bishop Paprocki: Protect Yourself in Enemy Territory

 “This universe is at war,” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.  During an interview with Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois for an upcoming article with the National Catholic Register about exorcism in the US, he referred to Christian author C.S. Lewis as calling the Earth enemy-occupied territory. Thus, he said, we must access…